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Welcome to [SotM] Sentinels of the Multiverse

18:51, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Absolute Zero

Just an ordinary janitor at a cryogenics lab, Ryan Frost’s entire life was put on ice, literally, when he was caught in an explosion at work. His core temperature was dropped to absolute zero; even freezing air could burn him. His mangled and frigid body was stored in the lab where he worked, caught in the red tape of workers’ compensation. Over a decade later, Frost’s body was seized as part of the government’s Freedom Five Initiative, and he was operated on under the extreme conditions of a cryogenically frozen operating room, designed by Dr. Meredith Stinson. When he regained consciousness, Ryan Frost was offered a choice: live in a tiny cryochamber for the rest of his life, or be outfitted with a mobility-enhancing suit and join the Freedom Five.To that, Ryan Frost said,“No.”

Years went by, and Ryan Frost lived in that cryochamber. His only connection to the outside world was a television showing 24 hour news coverage.When he saw a team of heroes called the Freedom Four losing a fight against a villain and realized that was the team he was supposed to join, he changed his mind. “Better dead out there than bored in here,” Frost grumbled as he donned the cryo-suit.

Thus, Frost became Absolute Zero, rounding out the Freedom Five and fighting for good to pay off the suit that allows him to live a “normal” life. He certainly didn’t plan on staying around any longer than necessary, but things have rarely gone how Frost thought they would. As he fought alongside the other heroes, his cold demeanor softened. He became friends with his teammates—most notably with the speedster scientistTachyon.They shared a love of reading and even started a book club together in FreedomTower.

Absolute Zero became one of the most resolute members of the Freedom Five. No matter how dangerous the foe or how hopeless the situation, he soldiered on, knowing that he has seen worse. And that continued to be true, right up until the appearance of the worst foe of all.

In that conflict, the Freedom Five fought alongside all of the heroes of Earth and beyond against a foe that threatened all reality: OblivAeon. Throughout that event, Absolute Zero was a source of stalwart calm in the team, reminding them that, no matter the odds, they would fight for what was right. Ryan Frost’s history had built a hero who could not be demoralized, and in that, he was an inspiration to the rest of the team. Now, with the balance of his suit forgiven in the wake of OblivAeon, Absolute Zero works with the rest of the Freedom Five to help rebuild and defend the world from evildoers.