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Welcome to Wytchwood Hollow

10:26, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


A B B R E V I A T E D   B I O G R A P H Y

Name: Errol Cross
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10"
Virtue: Compassion
Hair: Black
Nickname: Ignis
Actual Age: 20
Languages Spoken: English, Infernal
Weight: 145lbs
Vice: Deception
Eye Color: Grey

T H E   F I N E R   D E T A I L S

D e s c r i p t i o n
The bearer of the laughing mask, Ignis' clothes often have more flair to them to catch the eye and expand upon his invasive personality. While traveling, he wears an identical black cloak to his twin to help them blend in with each other. His skin is pale and harshly contrasts his midnight black hair that he keeps long to mimic his twin's. The mask obscures the face and gives the illusion that it's eyes are following you no matter where you're standing.

G i f t s
The Actor: Ignis can do wonderful things with his voice to immitate others shockingly well, and has little trouble filling a plethora of roles as needed when performing.
Heritage: His bloodline can lend him unusual strengths in times of dire need...
The link: A sixth sense, Ignis has an affinity that alerts him when Sombra is in distress.
Avatar of the Sun: Heat has little effect on him, and can withstand exposure to fire fairly well

W e a k n e s s e s
Overprotective: Ignis does not trust anyone outside of his twin, and will retaliate very harshly should anyone slight them. Irregardless of the consequences.
Compulsive Liar: Nearly nothing Ignis says is ever the full truth. This can range from outlandish fibs, to truth-seasoned lies.
Nothing under the mask: Having held a guise for so long, Ignis doesn't remember how to act outside of his act. Sombra keeps him from losing himself entirely.
Avatar of the Sun: Ignis is easily chilled, and cannot stand being cold for very long.

P e r s o n a l i t y
Tricky, mischievous, and low-key mean spirited. Ignis is the harsh side of the coin, the bold and in your face character meant to distract you from the other half of the play. What his twin holds in grace, he opposes with flair. Everything about him is made to keep himself between others and Sombra.

H i s t o r y The early days were a blur. Some of the keepers told us we were dropped off and into their care. Some told of pulling us from a mothers cold clutch. We didn't mind either way, the fact was that we still had each other. We held our own, made a livin'. She was the brains, and I was the face. It's always been that way. He didn't have it good, but we still had it. Livin' off the church's grace wasn't easy, and it didn't get any easier when my sister's blood started to show through.

A little bump on the forehead, a few back problems. Nothin' we couldn't handle. I kept the wardens off her back well enough with a few sob stories of the plague.

That was until the horns came in.

The came for her, and spirits save me if I still can't hear the screams. They got the idea about mutilating her for some insane idea of 'purification'. I got an idea too. One that involved a heavy candlestick and some surprisingly soft bones between me and my sister. Things went red for a time, but I didn't stop swinging until I had her back. We fled, and left our meal ticket, and one hell of a mess, behind. I'd do it seven times over before I let those bastards lay another hand on her, but I do miss the free food.

We've survived fairly well through the years. Learned a few plays, scripts, and magic tricks to earn a coin or two on the road. we even partook in the occasional freak-show circus act if the pay was right. It was around there how we picked up the masks and names, these personas of ours. Ignis and Sombra. But now we found something new to dig into, a pipedream by the sounds of it, but Sombra seemed convinced. Wytchwood Hollow, a sanctuary for the likes of us. I'm skeptical, but Sombra's always had better ideas than I have.

T h r e a d s o f F a t e

An audience open Sombra and Ignis are always looking for people to perform for in exchange for gold.

T r i v i a & F u n S t u f f

♦ Due to the extreme similarity to his twin, Ignis can pretend to be Sombra, and Vice versa, very easily.
♦ Theme song: