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Welcome to [Exalted] Dawn of the Chosen

01:46, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

V'neef Elistra

Name: V'Neef Elistra, The Flower of the Realm
Age: 25
Marital Status: Single and Loving It
School: Heptagram
Aspect: Wood
Anima: Pulsing glowing green-gold motes of life energy swirling with leaves of all types.
Relationship with House: Prized Black Sheep

Appearance: V'Neef Elistra is a beautiful young woman, with aristocratic features and a well-kept, shapely and height-weight proportional body. She is 5'8'' and ~130 pounds, and while she has fair skin like her mother unlike some dragonblooded, her hair is a stark foresty green. It's not bright neon green like Ligier, but more a bright and vibrant forest green. This is a clear and visible sign of not only the fact she isn't a normal human, but that she is well-bred even among the dragonblooded host as her elemental affinity is obvious. She often carries a beautiful green jade powerbow (given to her by house leadership on her 15th birthday as they thought she had the personality to match the bow) and a quiver of arrows, along with a sachel that she uses to store herbs, medical and occult supplies, and  so on. She wears high-quality feminine yet functional noble clothing that is easy to move in while still looking refined and classy, although if she is going herb gathering and such she isn't afraid to dress down...a little bit, anyway. She has deep, intelligent, willful eyes that are the same foresty color as her hair.

Backstory: V'Neef Elistra is the youngest daughter of several children who were born to V'Neef Halina, who is an extremely skilled investigator and businesswoman for the House, and her male consort. She was raised in a position of privilege as a V'Neef dynast, and granted both a top-class education as well as access to seeing how the house's business and other interests worked. As a youngest child, she was both given everything she wanted as a child yet at the same time as a part of the house had many expectations placed onto her as a dynast. Even more so when she exalted at the age of 12. She is extremely gifted - she's frightfully intelligent, and also naturally gifted in the sorcerous arts.

Elistra, however, was always a willful and determined child - and this hasn't changed even as a young woman. Unlike most dragonblooded dynasts, she isn't terribly interested in getting tons of power over others and what have you - although she will wield her dynast status against others as needed if need be - but really her main two concerns are her own personal freedom, and the welfare of her House and family. The problem is that her House has been pressuring her to go to matching meetings and such to try and set up marriages with affluent dragonblooded, both in her house but especially outside of it. The fact she has exceptional breeding and a greater than normal amount of the dragons's blood in her is painfully obvious as she displays elemental colorations in her hair and eyes. But Elistra doesn't WANT to be married, or be a broodmare and pump out children. She understands this is a duty to her house but she refuses to do it. And this causes great friction with her House, since she is 25 now and of perfect age to start being matched with other dragonblooded for mating and political marriage purposes.

However, this one thing is the main thing she defies her House on. In almost all other ways, she's loyal and has proven this many times. She truly loves her family and cares about her House, and is willing to go out of her way to help heal, support, or otherwise assist other dragonblooded of her house or allied houses. She did participate a bit in the war too - she is a gifted sorcerer, but also one of the most gifted herbalists on the Blessed Isle itself - her wood essence has infused her very medical arts themselves and she has saved the lives of some very affluent people despite being so young! But she'd honestly rather go out and explore Creation, traverse the Blessed Isle, and commune with spirits and practice her herbal craft more than deal with House politics and more than once has snuck away for her own reprieves.

She has a special role in her house, though. As willful and defiant as she much as she is willing to snub other dragonblooded trying to wed and bed her...everyone knows she's too important and too talented to ignore or disregard. Her mastery of the medical arts - especially herbalism - is among the top on the Blessed Isle. She also is a gifted sorcerer, and she has long endured both the wariness and special status this affords her as a result. She's a decent archer, but her herbal and sorcery abilities are a resource unto themselves, and this combined with her refined breeding and House affiliation makes her a Prized Black Sheep among her house, and gives her a mixed reputation among dragonblooded in general rather than a purely good or purely bad one.