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Welcome to [Exalted] Dawn of the Chosen

00:48, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Nellens Relan

The greatest tragedy of Nellens Relan's life is simply being born too late to make a difference.  The product of the House of Mortals and their attempts to bring forth a champion who could stand proudly next to the pure blooded scions of the Great Houses as an equal in rhetoric and martial skill alike--an ultimate champion to spearhead a new, glorious era for his kin.

Strength, Talent, Pedigree--he had every advantage.  Save for time--by the time he had reached his age of majority, carving a swath through the Spiral Academy, the greatest time of upheaval had passed--and a new sense of equilibrium had been established.

And so it is that the Prince of Azure Flame found himself just too late to achieve what was thought to be his destiny.  Fortunately, he's a patient lad, and if becoming a legend is no good, he'll settle for simply being indispensable.

A young Dynast of the Fire Aspect, Relan's primary training had been in politics and administration--but at the hands of his Tepet instructor, he melds that with blademastery well beyond that of his peers, capable of enforcing his beliefs at swordpoint if words and reason are not enough to sway his peers.  His dress favors this approach, eschewing the standard robes or armor, in favor of short sleeved tunics and trousers, with burnished bronze metal insets and elbow-length leather gloves to provide subtle--yet important--protection from harm.  At his back is strapped the ever-sheathed sword Imprimatur, arguably one of House Nellens' greatest treasures--a masterpiece forged on the commission of the Scarlet Empress herself, and proof positive of the trust and expectations his household has of him.

His sobriquet is a symbol of his control--the long hours training to harness his Essence--broken through at an early age--and taught control and calculation alike has influenced even the shape of his flames--compressing them beyond ordinary limitations, and taking on the azure shade of the mightiest bolts of lighting.  Though perhaps not as dramatic as the the grand, sky-seizing Anima Bonfires that many other Fire Aspects can boast, the smouldering of his surroundings and the incandescent heat generated when at full flower are no less mighty for their restraint--or less brilliant for that matter.