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13:08, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Argosh son of Cratosh

Neither shorter than most of his kin nor taller, Argosh, son of Cratosh is of a perfect height for a dwarf. Or at least, that is what he says with his trademark laugh, punctuated with a whip of the reins of his covered wagon or by slamming a frothy mug of ale on a wayside inns table.

The diamond dwarf has been traveling Aventuria for years now, trading goods to and  fro between human lands and dwarven kingdoms. He has shrewd eyes and a thick beard, the latter of which he is prone to tugging upon when frustrated or overly excited. Argosh typically wears travelers clothing, covered with a thick cloak that keeps the elements at bay.

He has a restless spirit unlike that of most dwarves, but an easy going nature, developed perhaps due to the years spent as a trader and interacting with folk of all sorts. He is quick to become fired up though, especially when haggling over a bargain, or when talk turns towards elves and elvenkind.

Though his talkative nature and willingness to strike an honest bargain might appear to make him harmless, a closer inspection reveals scars both physical and otherwise, which speak of a more violent past shrouded in mystery. An even closer hardened chain armor underneath his clothes, and weapons & a well crafted shield within easy reach by his seat on his wagon.