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13:08, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Astridr Gunnrsdottir

Race:    Human (Fjarning, Thane to Jarl Gunnr Vidarson)
Age:     Late teens, perhaps.  Though, if you have to ask...
Height:  5'10" (1.78m)
Weight:  Approximately 161 lbs (73 kg)
Hair:    Black (long and straight, often braided)
Eyes:    Brown/Hazel
Skin:    Light brown with Tulamidya slave brands, Frundengar warrior tattooes

Description:  Astridr is a young Fjarning woman, but one of obvious Novadi descent.  She is not tall or heavy by Frundengar standards; and might be attractive in a slightly exotic, cosmopolitan way.  Her lean, athletic frame moves quickly and quite gracefully, betraying instincts and gestures of a trained hunter and warrior.  There are obvious scars and callouses on her hands from hours of weapon use.  Her skin is roughened by extended exposure to the frigid air of the northern tundra and is lightly tanned from plenty of snow-shine.  Astridr's hair is long and black, curling only when it cascades off of her shoulders; it is often braided or pulled off to the side to keep it out of the way.  Her eyes are a light brown, with a strange hazel-green tint to them; they sparkle with a keen, if fierce, cunning which barely seems to be able to contain the harsher edges of her personality.

Her skin is marred by a number of brands, souvenirs from her time in Al'Anfa; they appear to be quite old (almost as old as Astridr is herself, you would wager).  The young Fjarning's body is actually covered with a number of colored ritual tattoos that also peak out from under her leather and suede clothing and mark her face around the aforementioned brands.  Any Fjarning tribesman (or possibly a well-traveled individual) could tell you what the skin markings might mean, or at least, that each one marked a specific event or rite, even if the actual details varied from mountain hold to hold.  A number of the tattoos cover her scars and slave brands, weaving them into the patterns on her skin.  Astridr is not shy about either the tattoos or scars, but she is not very forthcoming about the origins of either set.

Though not necessarily overly outgoing nor the brightest tool in the shed, Astridr is proud and extremely loyal to her family and those that she calls 'friend.'  As a Frundengar, her ideas about property, responsibility, and common comforts are extremely egalitarian and communal in nature; in the harsh icy mountains and wastelands of her homeland, selfishness and carelessness can be fatal traits.

Astridr often arms herself with an intricately-etched bearded battleaxe (that also sports a wickedly curved back spike) and a heavy wooden shield.  Tucked into her wide leather belt are two bearded tomahawks (mates to her larger axe) and a long-bladed dagger tucked-in at the small of her back.  Wrapped in a oiled leather quiver attached to a leather baldric that hangs over her right shoulder are three heavy-tipped hunting javelins; that same leather baldric holds a heavy-bladed sword at her left hip.  She often wears a fur-lined coat of tailored suede and oiled rawhide (it might be considered a prototypical buff-coat, if she lived in 17th century Europe).  Any potable wealth for trading that she might have on her person is generally carried form of jewelry and gems.  When travelling long distances on foot, Astridr ports about two bags: a smaller shoulder bag with hunting essentials for maintaining her weapons and making fires, while her larger backpack carries her camping gear such as tents, blankets, rope and provisions.

Driven by a number of open passions, Astridr believes in living her life to the fullest.  Her smile alternates between slightly mischievous and slightly maniacal.  More than a touch capricious; she can be quick with her laughter and praise and equally quick to anger.  She can be both brutal and brutally honest - valuing both as true and useful virtues.  This bravado probably masks some deeper psychological issues and childhood traumas; though she rarely, if ever, speaks of such things.  The young Fjarning maiden seems well aware that given the path she has been forced to tread in this life that any day might be her last in this mortal coil.  And as such, intends to stand tall before Frunu and his wife in their vast halls of the afterlife and recount her life's deeds with her head held high and little, if any, regrets for her actions.  Though she isn't necessarily a braggart, modesty isn't always a virtue with Astridr.