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Welcome to Crawl Out Through the Fallout

12:40, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Richard Wolfgang

Description: Mad Pup Wolfgang stands an even 6' tall, his skinned tanned and dirty from a lot of time spent in the hot sun. His short dirty blonde hair only looks darker and dirtier given the infrequency of baths that come with living in the wasteland. The general ruddiness and smudges on his skin tends to mar his features, causing his piercing blue eyes to stand out all the more. His clothes look old and rugged, patched over several times to keep the brown leather jacket he wears almost at all times intact. He wears a pair of muddled goggles around his neck, smudged enough to make them unusable at this point, making it a little unclear as to why he wears them. Over the last few months he has allowed his facial hear to start growing, trimming it just enough for it not be overly long and matted though even then it looks like it doesn't see the best upkeep.

Personality: Apart from his eyes there is one other feature that stands out amongst his muddied face and that is his bright smile. Quick to grin he is charismatic and friendly to most he meets, though at times he can seem a bit... off. He is easily distracted by his surrounding, often breaking off into tangents in his speech and even absently twitching at times though he is quick to regain his focus. His words are interrupted regularly by a constant stutter that only worsens as the man gets more nervous or uncomfortable, which is often.  He seems to constantly fidget and move, displaying a multitude of nervous ticks except for when he is able to work on his project. Despite his shakiness Mad Pup is a savant when it comes to mechanical construction, displaying a liking lately when it comes to working on weapons and armor.

Current Apparel: In keeping with his general disregard when it comes to his outward appearance, Mad Pup looks more that a little ridiculous at the moment. While he would argue all day that the clothes protect him during the winters biting cold, allowing him to work outside and maintain the upkeep of Bunker Hill without risking his health, there is no denying one simple fact. He looks quite a bit like a squished marshmallow. He currently is wearing a bulky, hooded white jacket with matching pants that looks overstuffed with insulated padding to protect against the cold. Heavy dark gloves and boots overly contrast the look, the only thing possibly topping off the embarrassing display being Pip Boy somehow strapped over his arm and bulky coat along with the stuffed full tool belt he carries around his hips almost at all times which, while carrying most tools Mad Pup might need for any given situation, also has a spot for a holster for a .44 Caliber Pistol and a Combat Knife.