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Welcome to Crawl Out Through the Fallout

13:09, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Steinar Bredsen

Steinar Bredsen is admittedly not the friendliest sight upon first glance. Standing roughly 5' 10" he is dressed in heavy and thick looking clothing. A long sleeved gray sweater with a high collar made of dense wool underneath a matted looking dark blue jacket, frayed jeans covering his lower half and steel-toed boots (not in the traditional sense of the term but instead there are actual curved pieces of steel covering the front of each boot). Coupling that with the long grey scarf wrapped multiple times around his head leaving only his bloodshot red eyes and missing nose visible that most would understandably not realize that he is a Ghoul until they are up close to him. When his head wrappings are removed though it is plain to see that the Ghoul has been through some rougher times. The top of his head is devoid of any hair and frankly speaking without the scarf the man does not have many distinguishing features except for a long, horizontal scar along the right side of his head that, due to his natural state of being seemingly made of rotten flesh, looks like it has never truly healed.

His Ghoulish nature isn't the only thing that comes across slightly off-putting. When he first arrived in Bunker Hill he wore ramshackle and pieced together armor made of scrap metal and machine parts. Metal piping crisscrosses over his back and sides while  his left arm and chest are covered in mismatched pieces of metal that stick out at odd angles with a lot of sharp looking corners designed to looked dangerous to touch. On the largest piece of metal that covers his chest there is a crude motif of a viking slicing a deathclaw in half with a large axe. His armor is splattered with red, giving it the appearance of being covered in dried blood though upon closer inspection it is in reality red paint.

Recently though his scrap metal chest piece was swapped for a full set of combat armor though he seemed insistent that sharp looking metal remain a constant part of his outfit. Short, hooked bits of steel curled up his arms towards his shoulders into sharp points reminiscent of jagged fangs. The whole things had been painted a dark gray and in a very crude design a long, serpentine body covered in wicked spikes wrapped itself around every surface ending in a large snake head branded over the chest, jaw wide open to reveal a mouth filled with gleaming white fangs. Jormungandr, The World Serpent. On top of this whenever on duty he wears a specially made metal helmet with curved horns atop with a metal face guard.

Apart from that he can normally be seeing carrying his trusty Assault Rifle with a simple strap slung over his right shoulder so he is able to have it on hand at all times along with a pipe wrench hanging from a hook near his hip, both weapons spattered with the same red paint as his armor.

Steinar is a quiet sort, one to remain silent unless directly spoken to. When he does speak however one might notice a thick Norwegian accent to his already deep and raspy speech which is common for a Ghoul, often peppering words of his native tongue where he doesn't know their English equivalent.