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Welcome to Fort Eastward Chronicles II: Those Cursed Mists

19:46, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Dolf son of Rolf

Height: 6'7"
Weight: 315lbs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Race: Human (Illuskan)
Class: Barbarian (3)
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Brief Description: Dolf stands a full head above most men and is usually twice as wide. He is completely ripped up. His muscles have muscles that have muscles. Unlike many of his kind, Dolf doesn't intentionally keep a beard. He does long mustaches and sideburns. Dolf is also a surprisingly clean man, whose fingers are often smudged different colors.

Dolf's clothing consists of normal traveling gear; pants, shirts, and thick gloves when dealing with work that might damage his hands. He wears a big shirt made of chainmail that doesn't have any sleeves over a rugged, thick, undershirt. His boots are furred and go up to his knees, but also have straps, buckles, and hardened soles. One of the most impressive items in Dolf's inventory is his cloak. Easily large enough to be a blanket by most people's standards, Dolf's cloak is made from the pelt of a grizzly bear. It is surprisingly soft, yet rugged and coarse, fit for a man. The two front paws are worn like sleeves and clasp together around the wrists. The bear's big head makes for a fine hood. The brown and grey cloak radiated magic when such a thing is searched for.

As far as his other equipment is concerned, Dolf comes from a rugged group of tribal people that learned to use bones in place of skin and wood. His water skins are horns with screw on caps. He keeps another horn around his neck on a leather cord, too. As far as weapons go, Dolf keeps a short sword in a leather scabbard on his right thigh, and a silver stiletto safely stored away on the interior of his left boot. He usually forgets the knife is even there. Dolf's predominant weapon for mayhem is a massive femur bone that probably came from the same bear as his cloak. The bone is decidedly thick and heavy. The smaller end has been wrapped in a leather band over and over to form a grip. It also has a hooped strap large enough to sling the great club over his shoulder or keep it attached to his wrist in the event of a disarming. However, no good hunter is complete without a bow, and to that end, Dolf has one of the most impressive bows ever made without a magical enchantment. To Archers in the know, Dolf has a Callahan Full Boar Autolock without a double thoroughgague composite wood stock, customized grip, pinpount red dot crosshair sights, and a massive 300 pound pull. It is every Archer's favorite bow. Dolf's is named Vera.

Series of Actions:
Melee the closest caster first if unobstructed path.
Ranged Attack the closest caster if path is obstructed.
Melee the nearest combatants if ranged combat provokes attacks of opportunity, starting with the weakest and moving up the chain.
Use Rage on the strongest melee opponents once the weaker ones are dealt with, always looking for a route to the nearest caster.
In the event Dolf is badly wounded, odds are severely stacked in favor of a superior enemy, or there is plenty of fine cover, forego melee combat in favor of ranged combat, starting with the closest strongest enemies or casters to soften them up until the advantage shifts and melee is a better option or retreat is necessary.
In the event the party is severely wounded, Dolf will move to assist the most injured party member engaged in melee first, and so on, unless there is a clear threat from a caster without obstruction.
In the event combat can be avoided by punking out weaklings or the leader of weaklings, do so by intimidation through threats of violence.

This is subject to change based on new inventory and abilities.

Character Journal:
-Got lost in the swamp. Alligator ate my dealer's kit. Guided to Fort Eastward by Selune's light.
-Met the Smelly Cat Man. Positive Reactions.
-Met Francis. Seems like an idiot. Positive Reactions.
-Met Cura. Unfinished business.
-Got attacked by Red Guard. Ass whooped by tanking cleric that had a magic weapon. Got out in one piece with survivors, notably Cura and Ziva, Francis's wife.
-Met ranking member of Assassin's Guild through Ziva. New Objective with Ziva. Hit that.
-Refused to be a pawn for Assassin's Guild. Moral objection to working with assassins. Did however share wine and collect a new, masterwork healer's kit. Also paid a bag of gold for "rescuing" Ziva. Unknown quantity.
-Met Rand. Destined for Great and Unfortunate things.
-Met Va'lyn. High ranking Sharren. Bossy, too. Obviously drow. She can go get squashed by Frost Giants and fed to their pet Remorhaz.
-Got poked by a goblin. How shitty. That's it. Armor upgrade is a priority. Goblins are too pathetic to poke me.
-Went Unarmed against an orc leader of some kind. Let's not do that again before I get better armor. Took the orc as a prisoner. Turned him over to the soldiers. New Objective: Interrogate the Orc for information about the Red Guard, specifically who his leaders are. Kept the orc's great axe for myself. Masterwork weapon. Nice.
-Headed to the Cathedral. Going to assist wounded within my abilities until relieved, exhaustion kicks in, or healing supplies emptied. Rand should give Va'lyn back her stuff and get far, far, away from her.