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17:49, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Queen Maxima (CoGM)

Maxima is an individual with a warrior's sense of honor and a strong countenance of noble pride that has its humorous moments in relation to other characters. A scion of the Blood Royale of Almerac, Maxima commands a vast array of immense psionic powers that come from selective breeding and years of gene therapy which she can utilize in a variety of ways. As an Almeracian of Royal descent, Maxima's immense powers stem from having been the product of gene therapy and generations of selective breeding.

Maxima rules a vast intergalactic empire centered on her homeworld of Almerac. For thousands of years, her ancestors had intermarried with races from other worlds, breeding for strength, for speed, and for power. Representing the apex of Almeracian eugenics, Maxima resolved to continue in the same tradition of her people. To that end, she became obsessed with expanding her galactic reach and, most importantly, securing a suitable mate to father an heir to her glorious realm. When Sazu, her personal handmaiden, intercepted a subspace transmission detailing the astonishing feats of Superman in the gladiatorial games of Mongul's Warworld, Maxima was sure she had found her man. Without further delay, she set out to make the Man of Steel her husband. But despite Maxima's beauty and power, Superman consistently eludes her for various reasons. As a result, Maxima's admiration turned to rage, and she has become his arch enemy.


Gender: Female
Height: 6' 2"   Weight: 164 lbs (74 kg) Build:  Amazon
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Red
Place of Birth: Almerac
Marital Status: Single
Occupations: Queen of the Almeracian Empire, Adventurer


Super Strength, Enhanced Stamina, Super Speed:

Being able to lift well over 100 tons under normal conditions, Maxima possesses a level of superhuman strength that puts her in Wonder Woman's and Superman's class. Maxima comes from a hearty star-spanning people who wage war tirelessly. Her own family spent thousands of years conquering, and assimilating only the strongest survivors from carefully selected worlds with rich genetic stock. Accordingly, Maxima continues the same progression of striving without exhaustion through sheer force of will and psychic discipline. Maxima's first appearances demonstrats a degree of speed in combat that goes well into the hypersonic.

Suspended Animation:

Maxima's constitution combined with her mental control is such that she can suspend her own vital functions temporarily. Despite being in a state of suspended animation, she has demonstrated the ability to be completely aware of potential danger around her.

Telekinesis Abilities:

Forcefield Projection
Maxima can generate defensive force-field bubbles to shield herself, and or others. This skill allows her to travel unaffected by the intense pressures of the ocean's depths, or the vacuum of outer space.

Mental Effects
She can cause physical and mental pain and render some unconscious but if attacked from another opponent her concentration stops leaving the victim to recover but not immediately.

Matter Manipulation
In addition to metals, Maxima has demonstrated the ability to alter other inorganic matter with a thought. While barefoot, and wearing a small bathrobe, she transmuted what little she had on into a power suit jacket, blouse, black skirt, high heels, and a gold chain choker.

By applying her telekinesis as a means for propulsion, Maxima is able to "fly". She has shown the ability to maneuver herself, other beings, or objects through the air at escape velocity. Maxima also demonstrated that she was able to fly through space as her psionic highway carried the remnants of her people over interstellar distances below her.

Optical Force Beams/Mind Bolts/Hypnotic Gaze:

Optical Force Beams
When firing her molecular telekinesis out of her eyes, Maxima has shown the ability to control the level of physical damage she causes to an attacker. She can focus her optic beams to deliver immense concussive force, or emulate searing heat vision.

Psychic Blast
The powerful Almeracian Psychic Blast is a favorite of those in the Royal House. This skill is typically depicted as emanating from an Almeracian's forehead. Unlike the optical force beams, the Mind Bolt targets an opponent's mind directly by delivering pain and unconsciousness.

Hypnotic Gaze
The Empress of Almerac has the ability to paralyze an opponent with her gaze. Against enemies with greater willpower, this skill has shown to be particularly effective as a lead in to another attack. She used this skill on Lois Lane, and the staff at the Daily Planet, leaving them all standing around like zombies. Later that morning, Clark arrived and got Lois to snap out of her trance by shaking her and shouting. During Maxima's first face to face encounter with Superman, she used this skill to freeze the Man of Steel.


Imperial Starship: Despite having shown the ability to cross interstellar distances without the need of a spacecraft, the extremely high-profile Empress had access to her own private Imperial Starship. As a result of having very few living servitors she could fully trust, Maxima found a semblance of comfort commanding her spacecraft and the electronic underlings aboard. The sleek teardrop-shaped craft is equipped with technology capable of transmitting its passengers by placing them inside energy capsules. Once a capsule fell to its destination, it erupted in a brilliant flash, but without a sound.

Power Bracelets: Maxima possesses two power bracelets, capable of creating teleportation portals from her current location to anywhere in the galaxy.