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18:16, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Evelyn Cavendish

Name: Evelyn Cavendish

Nicknames & Titles: Eve or Evie; Lady Evelyn Cavendish of Devonshire;

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
Nom de Plume, Ermine Daven

Age: 22

Birthplace: Derbyshire, England

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Rachel Dashae

Occupation: Novelist, Self-Appointed Amateur Sleuth

Physical Description: Evelyn is quite petite standing at five foot in flats. Her figure is slim, just barely bridging the gap from boyish to womanly with some subtle curves that, more often than not, are buried beneath her clothing. What she lacks in full feminine curves, nature made up for by giving her a beautifully unique face. She has full cheeks, high cheekbones, an impish mouth, pert nose, and jade green eyes. Due to her overall soft appearance, people have a tendency to assume she is younger than she is.

One part of Evelyn she is unabashedly vain about is her hair. It falls just past her hips at present and is a shade of deep brown, almost black. When she can get away with letting it down, she prefers it that way rather than knotted into an elaborate coif.

Distinguishing Features: As a rambunctious child, she acquired a few small scars though one on her right wrist, curving onto her palm, stands out still. The wound was deep and though the stitching was flawless, no amount of expensive cream could diminish the sickle-shaped imperfection. This old injury also causes her some pain while writing.

Personality Description: Evelyn is a boisterous, spirited individual at times while at others, can be quiet and contemplative. There is a definite air of naivety to her, a consequence of her upbringing, though she actively seeks harder paths to challenge herself and prove to others she is capable. She has an adventurous nature and longs to explore the world; a dream that is, unfortunately, kept pinned down by her family's expectations.

Most know the youngest Cavendish as an eccentric young woman.

Characters History: Evelyn is the youngest child of the current Duke of Devonshire, born into the long-standing noble family Cavendish. Her father is a well-known politician, former member of Parliament in various locations, investor and benefactor. She is the sixth born, second daughter, and benefitted greatly from having five other siblings shouldering the weight of the dukedom. Duke William spoiled Evelyn by encouraging her curious mind and supporting pursuits that went far outside her womanly education.

Their Lady Mother died only two years after Evelyn's birth which left much of her care to a nurse, her teachers, and her father when he had the time. While her older sister, Louisa, made a play at a stand-in mother figure, they never got along. If anything Louisa's attempts to force Evelyn to be a proper young lady inspired a rebellion against femininity right until nature saw fit to step in with puberty. Once that inevitability struck, Evelyn did make a rather sudden turn around from her wild ways to, at the very least, outwardly appear like the well-behaved noblewoman she was becoming.

Through her teenage years, Evelyn really sought to discover what she wished to be and how she wished to obtain her future. Marriage, naturally, was suggested in a million different ways by dozens of people but her pursuits had little to do with her public standing or managing a household. By seventeen, to the horror of the peerage and amusement of her father, she announced her intent to move to London where she could write professionally and live on her own for a while.

Naturally, the notion of an unmarried noblewoman living alone and trying to publish books of an unladylike nature had a veritable horde of naysayers warning her against taking the plunge. Her father, who did voice his own concerns, offered to support her fully. Evelyn negotiated with him to only accept a small financial loan to set down roots, insisting that once she had contracted into a sound publishing house, she could pay her own way. It was to be an adventure with the underlying intention of eventually opening herself to marriage, and the politics associated with her title, at a later date.

Over the following five years, Evelyn has achieved all she swore to do. She has a home of her own near Westminster, a thrice renewed contract with Chiswick Press with three in-print crime novels circulating and a fourth ready for printing, and an established position within London's peerage. She is still seen as rather eccentric and is pursued nearly as much as a novelty as for her social status. The majority of her peers do not know much beyond her tendency to keep a small notebook and pencil handy since the name she publishes under is a guarded secret.

Goals: Evelyn is happy with her current status, however, she still has a yearning for adventure that keeps the notion of wedded bliss at the back of her mind. Right now, she is saving up money to tour Europe, still determined to live on her own terms.

Likes: Boldness, wit, mysteries, and adventuring. The young lady has matured respectably since her childhood but she can still be found strolling through the city parks with a mischievous smile on her face, no doubt imagining herself in the wilds once again.

Dislikes: There's very little that Evelyn would say she dislikes. While her tolerance for the vapid members of the peerage is relatively low, she holds no ill will towards them. People are people and the world goes on as it will.

Family: William Cavendish, 7th Duke of Devonshire (father, 52)
Lord William Cavendish (brother, deceased at 2)
Lord Spencer Cavendish (brother, 27)
Lady Louisa Caroline Cavendish (sister, 25)
Lord Fredrick Charles Cavendish (brother, 24)
Lord Edward Cavendish (brother, 22; ten months older)

Residencies: Cozen House, 112 Devonshire Street, London, England (personal estate)
Chatsworth House, Bakewell, England (family estate)
Lismore Castle, Lismore, County Waterford, Ireland (secondary family estate)