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Welcome to Powers' Academy for the Gifted!

11:24, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Esben Ashley

Character Name:
  Weight: 154 lbs. (bulky)
  Eye: Grey (Gold when in wolf form or darkness)
  Hair: Brown (long)
  Gender: Male
  Age: Looks 18 (Real age 52)
  Years at school:0
  Land of Origin: Los Angeles, California
  Native Language: English, French, German, Latin, Romanian, Beast Tongue(ability to speak like a human in wolf form)
  Has (or Had) a Twin Brother
  Theme Song/Songs: Liecus BloodBrother

Powers: Werewolf; Shapeshifting: Esben can transform himself into a hybrid (half-wolf, half-man) or shift completely down into a full wolf.

Superhuman Strength: Esben possesses superhuman strength.  His hybrid form is more powerful and is capable of lifting 2 tons. That strength also extends into the muscles of his legs, allowing him to leap, from a crouch, roughly 36 feet into the air. His strength is only somewhat weaker in his human form. Only being capable of lifting 1 ton and leaping 18 feet in the air.

Superhuman Speed: Esben can run and move faster than any non-supernatural creature and run at an extremely high speed, which causes him to become almost invisible for the naked eye to perceive his movements when he is sprinting or moving at full speed. His speed is equivalent to that of his brothers

Superhuman Stamina: Esben's musculature produces fewer fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of an ordinary human, granting him superhuman levels of stamina. He can exert himself at peak capacity for several hours before fatigue begins to impair him

Superhuman Agility: Esben's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete. He can move, jump, climb, and run incredibly fast without difficulty or exhaustion.

Superhuman Durability Esben's body is physically tougher and more resistant to injury than the body of a normal human. He cannot be harmed by conventional weapons, As ordinary firearms and blades seem to do little more than piss him off!. Only a silver bullet or blade can harm or kill him.

Heightened Senses: Esben has superhumanly acute senses of sight, smell, and hearing.. Similar to those of an actual wolf.he can see part of the infrared spectrum and thus detect the heat signatures of objects or people in total darkness... He can smell other living creatures within 1 mile (when upwind) and follow a scent over nearly any terrain...And can hear the sound of a heartbeat in a cave at a distance of 60 feet.

Claws and Teeth: Esben's claws and teeth are extremely sharp and tough, enabling him to rend through a variety of substances including fabric, wood, cinder block, and even some metals. He can also use his claws to crawl along walls at great speed in pursuit of prey.

Lycanization: Can turn others into werewolves. This can be done by several methods, via a claw but traditionally through a bite. ?

Lie Detection: Esben is able to sense if you're lying or not.

Empathy: Esben's senses are so strong, He has the ability to sense other's emotions through touch. It comes in handy to gauge a person's true intentions.  He has developed it enough to absorb pain from someone.

Telepathy: Only with other members of the Ashley family.

Immortality: He is exempt from physical old age and has an infinite lifespan.

Healing Factor: Esben capable of regenerating damaged or destroyed areas of his body with much greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. Injuries that result in massive tissue damage such as bullet wounds, slashes, punctures, blunt force trauma, and severe burns heal completely, without so much as a scar, in a short amount of time. His ability to heal is at least 25 times that of a human

Zoolingualism: Esben is able to understand the speech and emotions of wolves and their canine counterparts. This ability manifests mentally without any spoken words. Like a form of telepathy.

He has an understanding of his wolf brethren in every imaginable way, which results in enormous knowledge and foreseeability of their actions..

Drawbacks: Most story's and legends are true. But even they try and embellish what is fact and what is fiction. Here is the TRUTH!

Silver: Esben is immune to damage caused by ordinary weapons, but is highly vulnerable to silver objects (usually a bullet or blade). This reaction to silver is so strong that the mere touch of the metal on his skin will cause burns.

Heart Extraction: If Esben's heart is extracted from his body, it will cause instant death. But this can only be accomplished with silver.

Decapitation: The act of dismembering his head from his body will result in death. But a silver implement must be used.

Bio: Esben was a normal high school graduate as much as you could hope to be. Born on Oct 31st, 1994. That he enrolled at UCLA back in the summer of 2012. The first semester was ok, then all hell broke loose. His parents divorced, his financial security flushed down the crapper. Then a ray of hope was shown over the horizon ( Or so he thought). A Dr. Tesla was looking for a few people to sign up for an experiment so his Brother Stefan and he volunteered for the project with the promise of $500,000 when it was over. He doesn't remember much only leaving a HUGE hole in the lab wall when it was over... Then the real shitter of it all there was no sign of Dr. cash... and whatever he had done to him had left him completely fucked.

My brother on the other hand well let's say he got shafted as well he's a vampire and as for me, I'm a werewolf. Anyways, My Brother and I parted ways after that, since we couldn't go home we faked our deaths and vanished... In 2017, I decided to disappear, since people were starting to notice I wasn't aging. Moving from one small town to the next living off the land out of sight. Now it's 2046, and I feel something stirring...STEFAN!?