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Welcome to Once Upon a Time in El Paso - [Adult Freeform Western]

21:29, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Rory Dalton

Name: Rory Dalton
Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Age: 32
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Sexual Style: N/A
Sexual Likes:  N/A
Sexual Dislikes: N/A
Residence: Taken up temporary residence at the Sinners Rest Inn

Description: Rory could be defined by his dark stare, leathery tanned skin and chestnut brown hair thats been so tinged by the sun it appeared nearly bleached. Piercing blue eyes break through his neatly lined eyes and could cut a man down as quickly as his six-shooter. Weatherbeaten and well-worn as he is, Rory has a youthful spirit and is in sturdy, lean physical condition, never letting his sinew exterior overshadow his handsome, stubble-laden smile.
Height: 6'
Weight: 190 lbs
Hair: Naturally brown, lightened by the sun
Eyes: Bright blue

Personality: Having a job that can be as morbid and abusive as his, Rory chooses to cope with this lifestyle with a heaping helping of gallows humor. Sarcastic, yet friendly, he's seen his share of violence, and would rather take an approach of reason over having to hogtie or gun a man down. Rory is a businessman, but he doesn't consider himself one. He prefers to go after people on behalf of Sheriffs and Marshals, but will also do private work if a person can adequately prove to him that a contract or agreement has been broken. Thusly, he is usually dealing with severe scumbags and deadbeats. That being said, regardless of the type of person Rory is pursuing, he always offers a level of respect and honor to his bounties, always believing it best to treat folks like human beings, how he would want to be treated should he be in their boots.

Skills: Rory is an adequate tracker, being taught both in his short stint with the military, and his long time with the native folks up north. He likens tracking people to hunting, though he is careful not to equate people to prey, nor himself to a predator. He simply utilizes the same tactics and strategies. Rory is an average shot, nothing special there, but he does have extensive training with thrown weaponry (hatchets, tomahawks, etc.) and a bow, but it's not his favorite weapon.


Rory Dalton was born in 1848 as Roderick Dalton MacLean, son of John Dalton a Lawman out of the Tacoma city region of the Washington Territory, and Ellie Mae MacLean, out of Las Cruces, New Mexico. In 1857 when Rory was 9, his father was killed by horse-thief Shane Carmody and his gang, in a vicious display just outside of town, to make an example that even the law could not touch them. A distraught Ellie Mae became stricken with depression and illness upon the loss of her beloved husband, and when news reached back east to John's extended family, it wasn't long before John's brother Sam Dalton, renown bounty hunter, came calling for the heads of the Carmody gang.

Sam spent the better part of that winter tracking Carmody and his boys through the Cascade range, taking them out piece-by-piece. 4 long months in the cold, however, and the final gang member, squirrelly weasel-like Milton Coombs, being as elusive as he was, finally did Sam Dalton in. He froze to death just before the spring thaw of 1859, and with that, poor Ellie Mae gave in to her sorrows and did herself in as well. Rory was all alone, and all he knew was loss and anger. Coombs returned from the mountains in the spring and employed the brawny and thuggish Ed Ray Wilkins to do his bidding. Wanting revenge for the all the loss he experienced at the hands on Coombs' former gang, and having an overall disdain for men of such ill repute, Rory decided that he should take vigilante action against the criminals, and attempted to assault their farmhouse outside of town. Unfortunately for him, he was shit with a gun, and hadn't the belly for killing. He managed to take out Ed Ray at the kneecap, and to wing Coombs' shoulder, but the criminals were still able to overcome the grief-stricken boy and beat him within an inch of his life.

Left out in the woods to rot, Rory was eventually found by a kindly hunting group from the Native Cayuse tribe, who picked him up and took him in while he healed. Rory spent some years with the tribe, learning how to hunt and track, and to let go of his anger, learning an appreciation for life overall. After about 8 years with the Cayuse, in 1872, Rory knew, however, that time had come for him to move on. Resolved to find closure for his earlier losses before he left the tribe, and Washington altogether, Rory recruited two Cayuse hunters and the three of them staged a final assault on Coombs and his new gang in the middle of the night. Coombs had a five man gang now in total; Himself, Ed Ray, a red-headed irishman, and two mexican brothers. The five men proved no match, however, and all of them ended up subdued, tied up, and left in town for the new Sheriff to handle appropriately. With that, Rory parted ways.

Unsure of where to venture next, the independent Rory figured he had two options: Head east and see if there were any family left out there; or south to Las Cruces, to see the land of which his mother came from. Opting to be self-reliant, he began his journey south, joining up with a military cavalry unit for some time, before breaking off and eventually reaching his destination. It was in Las Cruces in 1875-6 where Rory met the Sicilian mercenary Piero Gianola, and learned about Bounty Hunting. Rory spent several years apprenticing under Gianola between the US and Mexico, before work dried up in the region. Amicably parting ways, Rory made his way into El Paso in search of new work.