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Welcome to A Study in Black

17:16, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Mio Carter


Name: Mio Carter
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Nationality: Japanese
Place of Birth: Okinawa Island, Japan
Blood type: O
Student, teacher, or city dweller: Secretary
Studying / teaching / occupation: Works as personal secretary to the School Dean
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Theme Tune:


Has long dark brown hair and amber colored eyes. She is also a bit on the petite side standing a mere 5'3.(But don't let her size fool you what she lacks in size she more then makes up for with her fighting prowess.) On the back of her neck is a tattoo of a yin and yang symbol. But the tattoo itself isn't just your average tattoo oh no it is so much more. But what that something more is, is something she discloses to no one she doesn't feel she can fully trust.


The outer self

A cool, no nonsense kind of woman that doesn't take any crap from anybody. What she lacks in stature she more then makes up with her "big" personality.

The inner self

Not nearly as big and tough as she portrays herself to be on the outside. She has a soft and gentle side to her that she very rarely lets show. She is afraid to show it to anyone else except for her father the Dean for fear it'll make her look weak and or vulnerable.

List their desires and hopes

-To find and share love with someone(but shh... don't tell anyone that okay? ;)

-To become strong enough to be able to protect everyone and everything she holds dear.

-Hope that this era of peace will last and she won't be forced to fight any longer.

List their fears and dislikes

-Fears the worst will come to pass and she will be forced to take up arms once again.

-Fears she will never be able to find love again.

-Dislikes looking weak and or vulnerable in front of others.


-Unbreakable will and determination

-An martial arts and weapons expert

-Strategically minded

-In good health and shape


-Does a weakness for men in suits or in uniform count? (What? Men in suits and or uniforms are super hot alright?)

-Any milk based products(She's lactose intolerant)

-Cats(she's allergic to them)


Character history, family member names, occupations, notable features, are they still alive?

As far Mio knows, she has no relatives that she knows of. Though she has found a bit of a father figure in the dean, since he took her in when she was still very young and raised her like she was his own. Of course at the time he had no idea what she was or of the power that was lying dormant within her still very young body. As time went on and she slowly but surely came into her own her powers did indeed awaken and she became a being more powerful then anyone would've thought possible. Of course she kept that personal fact about herself well hidden from the masses. They weren't ready for that particular truth about her after all. The dean was an exception though given he was like a father to her and as she felt like he was the only person in her life that had the right to know what she really truly was. Because she is so protective of the man that helped raise her she decided to take up the job as his personal secretary so that she could be close by in case she needed to protect him from something or someone.


A dark shadow travels towards the school. It seeks Mio out so as to finish her off once and for all. What is this dark shadow? And why does it want to finish her off? What is the connection. Stay tuned to find out folks. ;)

Psychic ability

Mio has a great many special abilities. None of which are psychic at all. Won't go into any detail, but let's just say her abilities have something to do helping to maintain the balance between light and dark and leave it at that hmm?

Dark and dirty secrets

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
Mio is a reincarnation of a guardian that was sent to earth to help maintain the balance of dark(evil) and light(good). She is a battle angel of sorts I guess you can say.