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Welcome to 13th US Cavalry Vs Zombies

08:56, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Mark Hawk

Name: Mark Hawk
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 160lbs
Handedness: Right
Birthplace/Origin: Carbon, Wyoming
Description: Mark is a very average man as far as looks. He face and hands were less calloused than they had been in his youth, due to working as a doctor. He had sandy blonde hair and typically wore a goatee and mustache.


Mark was born and grew up in Carbon, Wyoming. Carbon was a small town not far from Fort Steele and the Iron Paint mines. His father worked as a miner and was barely able to provide for the family, while his mother was a teacher in Carbon.
The fact that his mother did a better job of providing for the family got at his father and caused him to start frequenting the saloons more often. By the time Mark was 10 his father spent more time in the saloons than he did at home or at work.
Mark was 14 when his father died. It's probably for the best he was knifed in a saloon, because Mark was prepared to kill him if the old man came home and took his frustrations out on him and his mom one more time. He had saved money made from doing little chores around town and bought himself a pistol. Years later he considered it a blessing that it had not come to that.
Mark's mother continued to teach, and to give Mark additional instruction at home. By the time he was 16 Mark was reading far above his classmates and was eager for more. But young Mark knew it would take money to get an education. He had spent his youth around horses and cattle so the most obvious move was to join a local ranch as a trail hand. From there he moved to regular hand and found he made a good bronc buster. He worked there for a few years until he had managed to save up enough money to keep his mom from worrying and he left for Rawlins, the local mining town. The doctor there was harried and looking for a capable helper, and he found one in Mark.
 For the next 7 years Mark worked with the doctor, learning from the doctor and whatever books the doctor had around. He learned Latin and Greek along with German from the Doctor, one Herman Roth. Herman was a gregarious man, always talking and joking with his patients. Even the gruff miners had good words to say about the doctor.
 This is where he was in April of 1861 when the shots were fired at Fort Sumter that began the Civil War. Mark returned to Wyoming and went to Fort Steele, signing up for the military. Once they found out about his schooling he was placed in the medical corp.
The next 4 years were brutal and bloody. Mark patched up men and sent them back out to fight. He cut limbs off of men as they screamed for him not to, and screamed from the pain when he did. When the end of the war came, he considered getting out of the service, but decided that it was a good place for him.He sent money back to his mom, and made sure she was good until she passed away in 1870 from dysentery.
Mark didn't care who he treated. During the war he treated men from both sides of the conflict. He treated Indians and soldiers alike. He managed to pick up a smattering of the Indian languages as he spent time with them as patients.
And now, 27 years after he was born, he found himself on a train bound for Mad Mesa, and from there Promise City, El Dorado County in the State of Sequoyah.