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07:46, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Ryan Jameson

手を取り合って このまま行こう


Name: Ryan Jameson

Age: 122 (Born 1897, stopped aging age 30 in 1927)

Sex: Male

Species: Human / Shadow man


Crosses the veil : Ryan exists between this world and the other side. He isn’t alive in the true sense of the word. He doesn’t age and is immune to toxins and disease, although he can be harmed physically. He can be ‘killed’ but may also ‘come back’ (see resurrection)

Communes with the dead: Whilst he cannot literally talk to the dead, he can sense their presence. If he is in an area where somebody has died, especially if great emotion was felt during that death, then he is able to sense / relive tat death. The accuracy of this sensation is based on how recently dead the person was. The more recent the death, the greater the experience.

Living shadow: His shadow has a life of its own and can move independently of him. He can see and hear everything within range of his shadow self.

Cloak of Darkness: He can wrap darkness around himself making him invisible against dark objects and shadows.

Ressurection: So long as something of his body remains (even ash) he can come back from the dead. How long this takes depends on how much damage is done to his body. The body will slowly regenerate and he will 'posess' it when its fully healed. During this time he exists only in living shadow form.

Shade Ally: He is still in contact with his dead wife, Kiko. She appears as a voice in his head acting as a loving guide and conscience, and is constantly urging him to get over her and move on with his life.


Slightly taller than average, Ryan is slim but well toned. His black hair is moderately long and a little haphazard. He has vaguely hawk-like features but a disarming smile. His voice is a soft irish lilt but with a hit of several other accents, that he has picked up from various places in his lifetime.

Face Claim (no anime or drawings): Aidan Turner (mmr516)


Initially, Ryan comes across as introspective and serious minded -grim even. However he can be courteous and friendly and very loyal to those he forms an emotional attachment to. He has a romantic nature that only shows itself when he is interested in another person.

History (Give us some info on who you are, why you are here. If you are a supernatural being, perhaps how you came to be?):

Ryan was born as Sean Jameson on 16 February 1897 in Dublin, Ireland. He was the eldest child of Kaleigh McAllaistair, a florist, and Aidan Jameson, a watchmaker. He had a sister, Julia, who was two years his junior. Sean became interested in law but got a job working as an apprentice watchmaker in his father's shop at 18 in 1915 in order to earn some fees to get into university. That never happened, however, as conscription started the following January and Sean found himself exposed to the horrors of trench warfare. Not wanting to spend his last days in trench combat, he enlisted in the 20-minuters (the newly formed British Air Force so called because the average survival time was 20 minutes). He flew a Sopwith Camel. Sean did not expect to survive long but actually discovered that he was a great fighter pilot and managed to survive the great war to return to university in 1918 at the age of 21.

After three years he got a job as a junior lawyer in 1921 where he assisted on several criminal defence cases. He spent the next four years working in the law firm before joining the police force as a constable in 1925. In December 1926, He was recruited to detective constable and assigned to a team investigating two murders. A few months earlier detective inspector Eougan Davies had been found dead in an alleyway whilst investigating the rape and murder of Emily Flaggherty, a local catholic woman. A few days after taking the case, Sean started to feel like he was being followed and several times spotted what could be described as a ‘shadow man’, a black male figure that seemed to be following him. As soon as he paid this shadow man any attention it started to lead him to witnesses and evidence that eventually led him to the home of the rapist, Daniel Saunders, a prominent prodestant figure. Sean was involved in a raid of the man’s home in April 1927, but during the raid he was shot in the head. The shadow man was present and as Sean lay dying it merged its essence with his own. It turned out that the shadow man was actually Eougan Davies, the detective inspector who had been murdered. Eougan and Sean, inhabiting the same body, were able to overpower the killer and bring him to justice. This allowed Eougan’s soul to pass on but left Sean in a strange state somewhere between life and death.

Sean left the police a year later and set himself up as a novelist writing horror stories whilst coming to terms with his new nature. He stayed in Ireland until the age of sixty two when it became clear he wasn’t aging. He faked his own death, leaving all of his belongings to a distant relative called Thomas Jamesson, which was to be his new identity.

Thomas moved to Cornwall, England where he began a new series of novels and began to dabble in the occult. He joined a coven of witches in 1962 and his life consisted of novel-writing, attending wild parties and dancing naked in the woods with a group of pagans until 1972.

He assumed a new identity, becoming Colin Jameson and began travelling the world. His travelled led him to Kyoto, Japan in 1979 where he met and fell in love with Ito Akiko, a Japanese dancer. Her father, Hiroshi, was a skilled Bushido practitioner and taught Colin karate, kendo, and aikido, three arts that he still practices to this day. Colin and Kiko were married in  1981 and lived happily until 1982 When Kiko became pregnant. There were complications and Kiko and her unborn baby died during labour. Due to the strong emotional bond between them, Ryan still maintains a psychic link to Kiko and talks to her from time to time, despite her constantly urging him to forget her, get on with his life, and find himself new happiness.

Colin returned to the UK in 1990 as Caleb Jameson. He had decided to become a software engineer and enrolled onto a degree that he completed in 1993. He made a small name for himself writing roleplaying games as one of the first indie developers. In 2007 he decided to make use of his talents for communicating with the dead and hired himself out as a private detective dealing in missing persons cases.

Recently, he has decided it is time for a new identity change. Assuming the Identity of Ryan Jameson he has decided to emmigrate to the US and has bought a large house in Belcoast.

Profession: Private Detective

Hobbies: He's a skilled computer programmer and hacker. He has had some success as a novelist. He can fly a plane and knows how to use a rifle. During his time in Japan he learn't Kendo, Karate and Aikido. He likes Jazz and Swing.

Sexual Orientation: Straight

I'm open to roleplay plots and am pretty approachable. Feel free to pm me to work out a story.

I'd like to explore Ryan evwntually overcoming his wife's death and entering into a serious relationship with a new partner, particularly a Japanese one.