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Welcome to [VtM5e] Blood Red Moon - Chicago

13:31, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


"Do you think the Camarilla elites of this city are really concerned with your welfare? Let me talk on your behalf and we’ll get this sorted out. It won’t cost you anything."

Arriving shortly after the death of Lodin there were a lot of questions on how kindred could make petitions without a Prince holding court. Marcel saw an opportunity and stepped forward becoming an amicus curiae (aka Friend of the Court). Essentially the kindred version of a lobbyist Marcel can be hired to use his connections and influence to get the council to weigh in favorably on a matter at hand. He has proven so effective that he has been able to continue this position through both Prince Peterson and Prince Jackson's reigns. It has gotten to the point where although he doesn't have an official vote he does have a seat at the table during council meetings.

A short, compact black man in his early 30s. As a mortal, Marcel used to be strong because of physical labor in the docks, but he softened a little in the years before his Embrace. His strong eyebrows make him look older if he adopts a fatherly pose. • When he’s feeling comfortable, Marcel wears the kind of dashiki he feels would suit the Ghanaian ancestry of his father. He wants to feel connected to the peoples the Ministry is seeking to liberate. That would be all the peoples, but Marcel doesn’t think it wrong to feel sentimental about those to
whom he’s personally connected. Otherwise, Marcel likes to dress to set himself apart and play on the outsider status his clan gives him. He’s very good at the physical simulation of being a mortal and makes a special point of keeping it up in his home neighborhood. Among his drug-trade contacts, he often forgets.