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Welcome to Evil Incorporated

12:51, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Yvette LeCroix

"I am not at liberty to discuss privileged information about my client but perhaps there is some other way we can come to an agreement."

Yvette LeCroix was born in Marseilles, France but traveled the world at a young age. Her father was a diplomat and served the French government as an ambassador for decades and at a young age Yvette was exposed to many cultures and acquired passing knowledge of half a dozen languages.

Her father's connections got her into the Sorbonne Law School where she graduated with top marks almost assuring her a fast track to success in the legal world. Unfortunately her stunning looks worked against her as shortly after joining a law firm one of the senior partners cornered her in his office to talk about way she could "make partner" in record time. She rejected his advances and pushed him away from her but the harassment continued. Not willing to let this injustice be ignored she filed a lawsuit against the partner and the firm that had turned a blind eye to the predations of their staff. The end result was Yvette's first real experience with hardship and setback.

The legal firm swiftly shored up its defenses creating a whisper campaign about Yvette's poor performance and faking a document trail showing a history of exaggeration and lies. The law suit which should have been a sure thing suddenly wasn't so and the law firm offered a settlement with promises of reform. She took it and once again discovered how the real world worked. The firm swept everything under the rug, fired Yvette and used their connections to black ball her from most of Europe's legal system.

She emigrated to the United States to try again but her history kept doors closed. She ended up scraping by as a public defender when she landed her first real case, defending some minor super-powered scumbag picked up by Primus. She was able to tank the federal case against her client thanks to several technicalities and with that success she found a new calling: defending supervillains.

Recent History
Over the past five years she had made a considerable amount of money being the go-to lawyer for super villains. When the Black Emperor made his first attempt to conquer Millennium City she reached out to him with an offer to help him when he inevitably needed legal consultation. He never took her up on the offer but after his apparent death she was surprised by a visit from him. Battered and bruised but still very much alive they started negotiations to work together. She came to admire his convictions and when he offered to reveal the truth of the universe to her she accepted and he took her into the Black. Now she is fanatically loyal to him, preserving his secrets and acting as his primary agent laying the ground work for his return.