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Welcome to Classic DnD: The World of Mystara

15:33, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)



Darimillian is a tall, dark-haired, long-robe wearing man. His black hair is kept long and he sports a well-groomed beard. His eyes are clear and piercing, reflecting a great intelligence behind them. His build is average, neither strong nor weak, something he's managed to attain by going on frequent walks and keeping himself busy in the libraries hauling stacks of books back and forth.

In dress he favors dark blue and black robes, usually with white or golden highlights. During winter, he adds a layer of long furs and leather gloves and lined boots.

When travelling he keeps a pack on his back and enjoys using a walking stick.


Darimillian has spent far too much time with his books instead of with regular people. He can often come across as gruff, or perhaps insensitive. But once you get to know him you understand that he is actually taking it all in with great deliberation and evaluating what he's watching or listening to. His sense of humor can be dry at times, but he never means offense. But if you get on his good side, you'll see that he is actually a very intelligent and charming fellow, he just hides it behind a veneer of intellectualism and "far too many books".

His general inclinations are to observe first and decide later. He has learned that appearances can be deceiving, and that one should not judge events too fast unless one is willing and able to make easy apologies.

His natural intellectual curiosity leads him to travel, as well as the possibility of adventuring. He knows there is much more to learn about the world than books alone can give you, so he looks forward to discovering what is "over the next hill".


Darimillian was born to a family of scribes, his father having been the lead scribe at the temple, and his mother being a priest. He naturally gravitated to the intellectual arts and joined the College of Mages at the young age of 19. There he stood out by virtue of his intelligence, and finished his apprenticeship in two years. He remained with the College as a adjunct research associate with a moderate stipend that allowed him to live in the College professorial rooms and have enough for food and clothes. As part of his research commitments he is now obligated to cast a wider net of observation, and adventuring promises to give him a greater possibility of both expanding his abilities and skills as well as granting him direct experience and learning in the practical applications of magic in the world at large.