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11:41, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Desmous Erebus
Codename: Silver
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral/Grey
Age: 23

Appearance:  An extremely athletically built man, toned with muscles.  Standing 5'10" with long curly black hair and silver eyes.  He wears dark Japanese styled boho pants adorned with a sash to hold them up and ended with black wraps on his lower cafes and feet.  On his arms are black leather fingerless gloves plated with sheets of dark metal that go past his biceps but stops at his triceps just before his deltoids, a metal plated leather vest upon his torso with a single silver chevron like strip under his chest and a dark metal plated neck-guard in the shape like that of a 'V'.  Wears a long flowing dark scarf that covers his shoulders and neck armor, it turns into a mummy-like wrap at the end covering his lower face.  He wears a dark cloak or normal overcoat most of the time.  His right ear has a silver band.
When dressing casually, he will normally wear torn and dark clothing.  Never wearing a shirt that isn't a button down or a v-neck.  Wears his usual pants and wrapping but with a pair of setta sandals.

Personality: Silver carries himself with a relaxed demeanor, despite never leaving himself open.  He can have a witty sense of humor at times, generally able to spit out banter no matter the situation.  Despite this, he is also a very hard to read person, being very erratic and enigmatic, never letting anyone know how he really feels or thinks. Catty and coy he plays around in conversations. He is always excited by a challenge, taking them head on with caution, shrewd thought, and scarily boundless resolve. Even more so unfathomable are his capabilities when he really strives toward his goals. He will treat everyone almost the same, being very broad- and fair-minded, whether with his banter, disputatiousness, or even when being kind towards others.  He is always willing to show how bold, calculating, defiant, devious, meddlesome, and mischievous he can be. He comes off as having an unemotional and solidly calm dispostion. The way he converses either seems quite offhand, provocative, very pugnacious, or even profound. He is also very willing to consider or accept new ideas and suggestions.  He finds himself in a constant pursuit of betterment. Being very proud of his capabilities he will always try to show them off to an extent. Coming off mainly complex, lax in morals, and volatile towards others; he rarely found himself able to show his true kindness, good intentions, and vigorously high-spirited self. Despite all of this, he fights to keep lives intact, only showing a deep contempt for beings he sees as scum, worthless, or evil.He also likes to show himself as quite sophisticated despite whether actually being so or not.  Despite all of this, he fights to keep humans around, seeing them just as equal as anything else; keeping in mind he may or may not care about killing them just like anything or anyone else.

Strengths: Silver is very cunning, quick on his feet. Preferring to do medium strides at a medium to high speed with short breaks inbetween, exceptionally agile, and stronger than most beings.  He fancies himself a close and mid-ranged attacker, using two kusari-gama connected to each other by the same chain.  Having enough strength to fight more than most werewolves and demons claw to claw, bite to bite, throw to throw.  He can take some blows, while not as much as what he considers beefcakes, it'd be more than any of his kind that he's met can take.  His race is immune to some magical or supernatural abilities while far from all and even further than those of the strongest abilities.  He prefers to dodge, deflect, and avoid attacks, allowing himself to stay on the playing field during a fight with almost all races or creatures.

Weaknesses: He doesn't hold well in a long magical or supernatural ability fights, only being resistant to some abilities and spells doesn't mean he is immune.  He really delves into things he finds interesting whether it be enemies, friends, mundane things, or even mystical or mythical things almost completely to a fault.  He usually doesn't back down from challenges, even when odds are stacked against him.  He also doesn't hold his tongue no matter what it is he is going to say or to who, or even the situation.

Likes: He likes raw meat, long naps, devious and cunning beings, people who make and keep things interesting. Killing and stealing. (Most of his likes mainly coincide with his personality)

Dislikes: Anyone who doesn't kill people that absolutely need to. Foul hygiene, lack of manors, lack of wit or tack, lack of intelligence or common sense, and idiots.  He dislikes those who complain and sit idle in their weakness or lives instead of doing something with themselves or grasping for the power to overcome their tragedies, weaknesses, or situation.

Loves: He loves to fight, test himself, prove his superiority in his own way of thinking as challenges whether the challenge is on equal ground, lesser, or almost impossible; believing in wanting to claw himself from what he was as a kid, and to be ever growing stronger in his unaging life.  Seeing if he dies he wasn't worth living in the first place. He loves to indulge himself in sexual means.

Hates: Others of his race, finding their very existence deplorable and anything/one that are like them as well. Anyone of his race aside from himself and his lost brother, he will believe them to be lying until it is proven otherwise (if they are even allowed to live that long) and will treat them as he does the rest of his kind.  Anyone who mistreats the innocent (abuse, rape, blackmail, things like that). Anyone who tries to betray him, and those who try to take his freedom in any manor, way, shape, or form.

Hobbies and Pastimes: Assassin or thief for hire upon his own terms both in the human world and not. Blacksmith of weapons and armor, along with tailoring and leather working.

As part of the Order, he takes it upon himself to kill those that need to be ridden of.  Those who prey upon the Order and innocent.  Whether those are his orders or not. He takes in those who speak, and kills those who refuse to.