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Welcome to Aspirations

12:58, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


PST | Once very other day if not every day | Any Time, with exception to Noon-ish and afternoon

General Info

Name: Zeek Alggeir Crassono

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Alignment: White, but leaning towards the Grey side of things.

Physical Info

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 160

Distinguishing Features: Sleeve tattoo on left arm of Tribal Markings

Physical Description: Z seems taller than he is. His lithe form lends to this illusion. He holds himself high and upright at all times, giving a slicing figure to behold. His hair is usually messy, yet kept, like organized chaos. He keeps it short. Easier to take care of. He usually wears a pair of blue jeans and his denim jacket everywhere he goes. Hanging from his belt loops are two chains. One to his wallet and the other to a silver pocket-watch.

Under the Hood

Personality: Z has a tendency to give off the air of 'not caring' when it comes to others or their decisions. "Doesn't effect me none, so why should I care?" is a good quote to describe him. If deals or bargains are to be made, however, he's your guy. He lives by the spirit of the word and by the ideas that contracts are binding. You make a deal, you do everything in your power to fulfill your end.

Strengths: Z is very observant. When it comes to people, he's good at figuring out what makes them tick.
He is an opportunist. If there is a way to get what wants or needs, then he rarely doesn't find it.

Weaknesses: If someone genuinely needs help, it is nigh impossible to keep him from helping in some way, shape, or form. Whether it's overtly obvious or not.
He also has a tendency to stick his nose where it don't belong with others business.

Likes, Dislikes:
- Like: Girls that know what they want. He doesn't have to guess.
- Like: Creepy Folk Lore. There's always something to learn.
- Dislike: Arrogance that is borderline stupidity. It's fine to be confident, but damn.
- Dislike: Too many rules. He lives within the rules, but doesn't like being confined by them to the point of ridiculousness.

Loves, Hates:
- Love: His mother. She has taught him everything he knows. Says a lot.
- Love: Sweets. He knows how to make sweets, and will indulge in consuming them whenever possible.
- Love: Nastalgic Moments of Perfect Stillness
- Hate: Liers. Oath-Breakers. Deal Breakers. "You're words all you got. Break that and you're worth less than nothing."
- Hate: Debt. He hates, with every fiber of his being, to be in debt to someone. Gifts are never that, it's a promise for a favor in the future.

Theme Song: (Always liked the idea of one :P) The Moss -