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Welcome to Emerald City Emergence - CLOSED

17:56, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Jake Rogers "Sphere"
Sex: Male
Age: 27 (Appears 20)
Height: 5'10''
Weight: 150 lbs
Eyes: Green (Golden Colony)

Appearance: Jake appears as a very attractive young man, flush with vitality to an almost unnatural but pleasant degree. He has blonde hair, green eyes, and a lean but athletic build. He tends to dress in all manner of clothing and doesn't favor any one style over the other. He will try to wear a form-fitting AEGIS outfit though when on official business if he has time to change.

Backstory: Jake came from a middle class family from loving functional parents who lived in Chicago. He was going to college - he didn't declare a major as he was only going into his sophomore year still although he was always interested in climate change and air quality and such - but he had been diagnosed with cancer since he was in middle school and was fighting it for a while until it suddenly escalated recently within the past year, going to stage 4 and forcing him to drop out of college and basically cause his life to come to a grinding halt. He didn't want to die and his parents were at wits end, and he heard from a few disreputable sources he was referred to by a friend about some "under the table" clinical trials for cancer treatments, and he signed up in a last ditch hope to see if anything could be done or at least prolong his life a bit more. He didn't know what he wanted to do with life yet, but he was only 20 at the time (in roughly the year 2013 ish) so it is only natural he wanted to cling to life desperately. He's had to deal with some depression, the cancer causing him to need to break up with boyfriends and girlfriends, his family's heartache (and his for having to leave his family), and just the uncertainty that any day could be his last.

...and then: So in the year 2014, Jake joined as one of the initial 120 Volunteers for Dr. Harding and Sebasian Swift's Project Starfish. He had nothing to lose at that point he figured, and worse case scenario hopefully they'd be able to use his data to help future cancer patients. Of course, he was hoping for a better result of true survival and recovery.

And boy did he get far more than he ever bargained for.

He was one of the 22 survivors left from project Starfish. Something about his genetics and him in general made him extremely compatible with the microbes and where as most of the volunteers died due to violent bodily rejections of the microbes, his did the opposite and it sort of evolved into a symbiosis with them. The end result was that both the microbes and his person became more powerful than before. He became the very first person from project Starfish to have wind-control themed abilities, and his microbes see him as some sort of living god-planet. He doesn't see himself as a true god though, despite his physics-defying powers over wind and vitality. He simply knows he's "a unique snowflake" while still being able to relate to humanity, which is one large reason he didn't become a supervillain. Because to him, humans are still important and their opinions and lives still matter.

He was not at the same clandestine research facility that Lachesis and her peers were at when the attacks from covert-ops assailants began (this is an homage to the old game). He was at a smaller facility elsewhere that had maybe 1-3 patients including him and about 5-10 staff members. However, around the same time as their facility was being invaded his was as well. And like Lachesis and her peers, Jake used his wind powers to protect himself and other Project Starfish related staff and patients and eventually figured out how to have other people fly in his "orbit," and he was able to get the two handfuls of staff and other people into one of his atmospheres and he airlifted them out to safety and flew them to Sebastian Swift's main mansion.


Early Year 2014: (Not public knowledge) Jake joined as one of the initial 120 Volunteers for Dr. Harding and Sebasian Swift's Project Starfish.

Spring 2014: Due to a freak accident, there was an explosion on the international space station that knocked out life support and threatened to kill 8 astronauts from multiple countries - especially the 3 who were doing outer hull repairs and blown drifting into outer space. Jake was laying low in one of Swift's mansions keeping out of the eye of the special ops enemy that was looking for the metas when he saw it on the news live, and knew there was no time to spare as Earth couldn't possibly react fast enough to save them. Wrapped in his own atmosphere he rocketed up into outer space and quickly found the station thanks to his uncanny sense of direction, and he "scooped" the 3 drifting astronauts up into his orbit before he went to retrieve the others from the international space station. He then flew the bewildered astronauts back down to Earth and dropped them off around NASA headquarters somewhere. He answered some questions but when he was asked to go with the authorities he flew away. But the world had seen on live television him saving those astronauts from disaster, so keeping a private identity was impossible for him after that.

Late 2014: Sebastian Swift joins AEGIS, and Jake is one of the metas he initially asks to come with him.

Spring 2015: Jake makes his world-famous "Do better, be better" speech on live television at the UN. He pledges his commitment to the UN and AEGIS, and to humanity itself rather than things like Elysium or Aberrant. However, he then flat-out bluntly told the UN that he would turn on them if they ever fell to corruption, and he told them: "I serve the people. I am not your tool, and if you become corrupt I will be waiting. I will kick you in the ass until you are set straight, but then will reach my hand out to you again to pick you up. So I challenge you all: Do better, be better than you were yesterday. We the people are relying on you. I need you, and so does the world. So do better, and be better."

Summer 2015: He saved a jet that was heading to London that had an engine failure that caused it to risk crashing into the London International airport. He coincidentally happened to be in England secretly delivering something for Swift to one of his laboratories there when it happened. He had to push himself to his limit (extra effort + concentration on move object to boost 2 ranks so he could handle the ~400 ton plane) but he somehow managed to grab the plane in a wind funnel and get it to ground.

Year 2016: Jake signs on with various agencies on the side and does commercials, advertisements, and endorsements. He also really gets into environmentalism at this point and his name becomes synonymous with anti-pollution activism, especially air pollution.

Year 2018: In the Spring, he caused an international incident when he Heard about the incident with Princesss Latifa, daughter of the ruler of Dubai. He worked with her friend Herve' Jaubert later that year to help her escape to the United States and seek asylum there. Dubai's government was not pleased. (Note: OOC I re-imagined how things went down compared to what happened in RL. Latifa gets freed and Herve' isn't so morally grey, etc.)

Later 2018: Returned to Dubai and prevented two different disasters: one was when he saved the king of Dubai from being killed in a failed coup by a corrupt military general, and the other was helping save people trapped in a collapsing building that was blown up by Al-Quaida terorists. These events caused Dubai's relationship with him to improve from cold to lukewarm.

Winter 2018: Jake is promoted to Senior Agent by AEGIS, partially in acknowledgement of his abilities and performance and partially as a means to reign him in a bit albeit it in a more positive manner meant to channel his energy constructively and curb his previous vigilante impulses.

Year 2020: Current year at game start.