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22:16, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Marcus Restrepo

Restrepo is a solidly built man standing 6'3" tall and weighing in at 220 lbs. He has brown hair and beard showing signs of gray and hooded brown eyes. He seems to be sun weathered as what his beard and hair don't cover seems almost like tanned leather. Tattoos cover most of his arms and torso displaying a love for old cars, guns, and an outlaw lifestyle. Across his back is a large tattoo depicting the United States Marine Corps logo with a 1940s style pin up girl welding dual smoking Tommy guns. Restrepo is typically seen dressed in an old pair of Levi's, work boots, gray undershirt and a Vietnam era green overshirt. His ball cap seems as old and weathered as he is and Oakley sunglasses almost always conceal his eyes.
  Restrepo had been a United States Marine for nearly twelve years and had served three combat service tours in Iraq. Nearing the end of his third tour his unit was ambushed by insurgents in the fierce fighting in Fallujah. Four of his squad mates were killed outright in the initial fusillade of gunfire and a fifth was critically wounded and bleeding out quickly. The insurgents had fallen back to a makeshift hospital to hide among the civilians but Marcus could only think of killing the enemy and ending the threat they posed both to himself as well as other future US servicemen if he didn't act.
  Mounted to the turret of the lead Humvee was a Mk 19 belt fed grenade launcher that fired 40mm high explosive grenades. Under heavy enemy fire he crawled into the burning Humvee and fired the remaining 27 HE grenades into the hospital killing the eleven insurgents but also killing 9 civilians and 4 medical personnel inside.
  Although he had saved himself and the two remaining comrades in his team the death of the non combatants and firing upon a civilian hospital was completely against all rules of engagement. He was quickly brought before a military tribunal for court martial. He could have been sentenced to Leavenworth military prison, however due to his previous exemplary record and the testimony of his squad mates Restrepo was instead dishonorably discharged and immediately returned home.
  Since his discharge Marcus became withdrawn and short tempered. He avoided his friends and family and kept himself busy working on old cars at a friend's mechanic shop. He worked hard and quietly during the day and in the evenings he drank himself to sleep in his old trailer on the outskirts of town. It was like this that he lived for several years until everything went to hell seemingly overnight.