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Welcome to The Lost Regiment

21:00, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Harriet Crosby

Name: Harriet Crosby
Unit: Christian Sanitation Commission
Age: 27
Gender: female
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 130
Handedness: Left
Birthplace: New York, NY
Native Language: English
Other Languages: Latin, French, German

Appearance/Demeanor: Harriet tries to appear well dressed when she can. Her dresses, blouses/skirts, coats and hats, and shoes(boots), are high quality. Her straight brown hair is cut for convenience. Accessories/jewelry, a gold necklace, in particular, appear to be of high quality as well. She speaks with an educated voice in the alto range (low). Her hazel eyes are distinctive, exhibiting alertness, curiosity, and intelligence.

Harriet was raised in an upper class family in New York City. She received a Classical Education from private tutors, and enjoyed a varied upbringing among a family physicians practice. She has four sisters and three brothers. She is related to a former governor of Maine, has elected legislators among relatives, and several cousins are writers for a medical journal. Her hobby of veterinary medicine as a child developed into an interest in medical practices. She became a correspondent in several languages (under a male pseudonym) with several foreign journals on science and medicine.

Harriet began studying veterinary medicine as a young girl, taking care of her own horse, various pets, and as a volunteer with injured animals. Interest in injured animals developed into interest in the health of human beings with a family medical practice. In particular, she became interested in women's health and volunteered in a shelter in the lower east side of the city to help poor women and children.

Her family had a part of her correspondence as a journalist. She began studying and writing about science and medicine, to and among, learned American, British, French and German scientists. She was fascinated by Jenner's work with vaccination and Pasteur's germ theory. When the war began, she requested and received official hands-on training, and continued to learn the science behind human medicine.

At the beginning of the war, many volunteer health organizations were created to perform various health related functions for Union Soldiers. Harriet volunteered with the Women's Central Relief Association of New York. Many of these initial organizations were consolidated later under the US Sanitation Commission.