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12:35, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Bremen Stiles

General Info

Name: Bremen Stiles

Codename: LucidWink... Yes I'm sure, you blithering old monk just write it down.

Gender: technically male

Age: ah... Honestly I have no fucking clue anymore. What with hopping around timelines and reversing my aging process and then the whole jaunt into the heart of infinity... Yeah, pass.

Alignment: You're joking, right? *Flat stare, then resigned sigh* ugh, you're gonna make me say it... Fine. I have no alignment, for I am the balance.

Physical Info

Height: okay finally some easy questions!! Aha, I am 5'7

Weight: about 200 pounds of muscle and flab

Distinguishing Features:... Isn't the point of distinguishing features that... You shouldn't have to...*rubs the bridge of his nose* nevermind. My aura, which communicates my open intent, and the fluidity of my motion which, in your world, seems more solid and distinct because it is.

Physical Description:It wore a high collared, flaring blue robed embossed with silver runes.   Behind which was strapped a glossy, hard plastic like sheath which... Had a oddly liquid quality. But that was probably just the way the light was playing off the surface? Like oil, but without the colors and divisions of such. From it jutted the handle of a sword, all twists and curves.

From his hip swayed a curious holster in which a book was positioned such that, with a flick of his hip it could rotate into place so that it would be in each of his hands wherever he might need to grab it.

He has a brown bed of hair which tangled mercilessly underneath his floppy yet solid hat. Skin tanned heavily from the sun swept face upon which freckles and some pock marks dotted. He had a large , jutting nose which sat under a looking brow, in which nestled a pair of greenish blue eyes.

Known Powers: Time and space magic. My magic is not a blanket type, universe affecting magic. I cause ripples in localized areas about eight feet in diameter which affect my time magic- I can speed things up, slow things down, I can send things forward and backward in time(by a known increment) and I can do any of these in a sort of meta magic as well, so it affects only someone's mental perception of time. Space magic is pretty straightforward, teleportation, pocket spaces, portals, telekinesis.

Under The Hood
Ah... I could analyze myself and express it but that's like... 6 different loops, and I'm chilling off that. Take it away big guy.

Personality: You can best understand the man underneath the hat as existing on a scale in relation to his own sense of purpose and ideology. Bremen at his best is laid-back, alert, and humorous, weaving strands of magic into the air around him to align reality into it's brightest potential- he is confident, and bubbling bright with optimism and shared delight.

At his worst, he becomes withdrawn and morose, lazing about in filth and decadence as, within, torrents of reality sewage rage against the dam of his heart, seeking to break open and burst over the page of reality instead of the wizards spellbook. Most of the times, he's somewhere in the middle, but lately he's near the top.

Ambition- Bremen has the ambition of the weak and the frail, the beaten and the damned. That hunger for justice and thirst for freedom from oppression. Power is a tool to express the Divinity of peace and progress, nothing more.

Perception- not much escapes the arcanist. A lot is passed over in silence due to lack of judgment or just sheer disregard, but what the mage doesn't notice in his external environment, he notices within his own. (This is the foolish old guy/wise master thing)

Empathy- Bremen loves everyone who holds love in their heart and is often pushed to his greatest heights of spirit and magic when spurred by the thought of helping someone in need.

Lover- Bremen can fight, and will if he absolutely has to. But most of the time has no capacity for violence and usually let's himself get pushed around when he could easily defend himself otherwise.

Idealistic: Bremen remains, despite his timeless awareness, young at heart, full of innocence and joy. While I am reticent to list this as a weakness, he reminds me that it causes him to blue the line between duty and salliance, oftentimes getting caught up in the vision of how things should be that he can forget how they really are.

Absentminded- dangerous for a normal person, disastrous for a wizard. Slips of the mind, the tongue, the hands lead to, mostly personal, mistakes which portray a clumsiness which is alternate to the truth

Likes, Dislikes:
Likes: a good story, an easy story in which abundance and empathy are not abused or abandoned.
Adventure! In all it's forms ;)
Good company
Dislikes: grape anything besides actual grapes or raisins
Mind games, anything someone tries to do to deceive or subvert... It never works anyway and it's just such a slimy, douchebag move
Being alone or abandoned

Loves, Hates:
Loves: Magic!! Studying the underlying mechanics involved in the systemic manifestation of metaphor that is known as reality. Though quite different from how insight works.
Justice! Ala Night Angel, the avatar of Justice, Mercy, and Retribution.
Writing! Reading not so much but I love putting words together, piecing them to reveal a hidden structure and then, sweeping them, brushing them into further definition until truth is revealed
Hates: anything or anyone that tries to oppress or attack anyone without due cause.
Being useless or unnecessary
Incessant nagging and/or whining


Other Relevant Info: