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Welcome to San Diego by Night: Los Espias de Negro (5th ed VtM Canon)

22:01, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Riley Ishikawa

Height: 5'7"
Weight: 130lbs.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark Brown
Clan: Toreador
Generation: 9th
Embrace Date: 25 November 1939

Description: Riley is the epitome of Japanese and American beauty. She is also the epitome of kindred sexuality and charm. Riley just has the regal look of somebody you don't want to make pout. She is easily the center of attention wherever she goes, and eats it up like a piece of red velvet cake. Riley is a master of kindred politics, and subtly flaunts her superior status. If Riley seems too good to be true, it's probably because she is. Riley has a sadistic streak that lies just below the surface. She bullies those who displease her and is quick to unload with both barrels on perceived threats or sleights. Riley is unfriendly and distant, often appearing as bored when surrounded by inferiors. Put simply, Riley Ishikawa is an alpha predator that walks around with her nose up in the air like she was born better than everyone else.

Brief Bio: Riley is the Prince of San Diego. She is the pillar of Camarilla society and bears the full brunt of everything that could go wrong. She has traveled the world over, from London to Bombay, Charlotte to LA. She has faced down Sabbat, Anarchs, Werewolves, and Cathayans. She has been no less than the most prominent Harpy wherever she's been, but has usually found herself the Keeper of Elysium or Toreador Primogen. Riley has always made a big splash and been quick to assume power and authority. This is largely because Riley's level of competence puts her far above her peers of a similar age and often times, on a level reserved for true elders.

Riley isn't without her flaws though. It's just that they are not social in nature. While it is true that she is a powerhouse both within and without her clan with enough respect and ability that something isn't art if she says it isn't, Riley is no artiste. She's known to be a Poseur. Riley is quite good at dishing out criticism, but she is terrible at receiving it.

Riley has the enviable position of being Prince of San Diego, true. But she also has the unenviable position of not calling the shots. She knows this, and knows that the presence of Juan Lorenzo plus the majority of his lineage means that unless she can somehow get him under her control she will forever be seen as a pawn by the true elders. Riley finds Catrina and her childe, Elizabeth, too canny to easily sway. She finds Edge too indifferent, April too unreliable, and Dick too weak. The only kindred that could, if unified, pose a threat to the Warlock stranglehold are Octavia Rose, Luther Jennings, Imelda, and of course, the hated Anarch enemies. No doubt the Tremere are aware of this too. Riley curses the Warlocks with one hand and then admires them with the other. She can't stand ineptitude, so in a way, Riley got what she craved - being surrounded by over competent kindred that keep her in power so long as she continues to please them.

Some kindred would be grateful at having Riley's position. They get to be the Prince and yet don't have to do a whole awful lot. But being a figurehead, even a very powerful one, has never been on Riley's list of things to do.

To that end, Riley remains actively involved in kindred politics and has regular appearances at Elysium. Granted, her chosen company at these appearances is limited to those she considers worthy of her time, so it isn't a good idea to approach her frivolously or unannounced. But then that could be said for all Princes. While she has been known to show up at all of the Elysiums when the mood strikes her, Riley's three favorites seem to be the Goth Club, the Maritime Museum, and the Loft.

Riley is also incredibly powerful and should never be underestimated. It cannot be stressed enough that she earned every drop of her status. She is a master of Presence and Celerity. She is believed to be a master of Dominate, Fortitude, and Auspex as well, and has at times revealed some level of competency with Potence and Obfuscate. Riley is also known to have great amounts of Financial, Media, and Political influence, enough money to float a battleship, and a personal security team made up entirely of ex-military special forces.

-The perfect wardrobe
-The most exquisite jewelry
-Cadillac & driver
-Invisible security
-A resting bitch face
-You in her debt
-All of the Tremere & Harpies on speed dial
-The secret to success
-Permission to do whatever she wants

Noteworthy Rumors:
-Riley is a dominatrix.
-She feeds exclusively on submissive mortals.
-She wants to seduce Juan Lorenzo.
-She has been rejected by Juan Lorenzo.
-Riley can't wait for the Anarchs to make a move.
-She is more comfortable being a Tremere pawn than she pretends.
-Riley is actually Catrina Armstrong's pawn.
-Riley is blood bound to Catrina Armstrong.
-She is responsible for embracing the Caitiff, Simone LeClaire.
-She will frenzy at the sight of Hello Kitty.
-Riley hates Weeaboos.
-She was a Geisha in life.
-She is a lot older than she claims.
-Riley is actually controlling the Tremere.