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Welcome to The World Behind the Mask

15:54, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Tanya Weiss

Age: 25

Occupation: Knight

Tanya Weiss is a tall, athletic woman, skin tanned from working under the sun and body forged by constant training. Her hair has been cut short, primarily for the ease of care and to keep it out of her face in the event that combat is eventually found. Still, she is described more often as striking, rather than beautiful or pretty. Something about her demeanor and the way she holds herself tends to be too militaristic and threatening. Scars litter her frame as well, usually hidden beneath her clothing, suggesting battles of the past with threats to the peace.

Clothing is more often than not "business casual", well kept shirts, dress pants and suit jackets the norm, kept loose enough that should it be required she can defend herself. When training, this is exchanged for more appropriate work out clothes, providing the full range of motion for any activities she participates in. Further still, when it is required, there is clothing more fitting of a soldier that she can find herself in, usually reserved only for when conflict is fully expected.