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Welcome to Star Trek:Border Cutter

12:51, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Verad Raziv

Name: Verad Raziv

Rank: Lieutenant

Desired Position: Science Officer

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Eye color: Brown

Hair Color (if applicable): Black

Physical Description: Verad is a mostly unassuming looking Trill standing about six feet tall with a proportional body.  He kept fit to maintain his away team certification despite having been mostly a desk jockey until recently, usually through climbing or forms of sparring to stay mentally interested.  His uniform is regulation and his off-duty clothing is whatever is comfortable and allows freedom of movement (along with a couple nice rings he's picked up along the way).

Personality: Inquisitive and strong willed.  He enjoys solving problems and figuring out the big picture from disparate data, although he bores easily if his mind isn't engaged.  That does not mean he is easily deterred (far from it), but don't be surprised if he starts a side project or two while "waiting."  He has...different opinions on Starfleet and Federation policy as a whole and does argue them vehemently, but he does not evangelize--he won't start a debate but he will finish it.

Bio/History: Verad Raziv was born on a Federation trading colony between the Romulan Star Empire and the Typhon Expanse.  The colony served as a nexus for exchange between numerous Federation and non-Federation species and cultures, specializing in brokering services, information, and non-replicatables (mostly due to unique nature such as art or artifacts, although a non-insignificant portion of goods were what is thought of conventionally as non-replicatable).  This gave Verad a very cosmopolitan upbringing and a better understanding of and empathy for what it was like beyond the Federation.
    His parents, Kareel (mother) and Yedrin (father), were an investigator for the colonial government stationed at the main starport and an archaeology broker (brokering relics, site access, and skilled archaeologists as the client needed), respectively.  He found both his parents' jobs interesting, although in different ways.  He found interstellar archaeology as a general field fascinating (especially former interstellar cultures) and the process of investigating a crime was engaging to him--figuring out what happened from incomplete data.  The elder Razivs gave him access to mostly books and recorded continuing education classes, but sometimes took him in to actually see the real thing.  All of this made Verad want to see more and propelled him to apply to the organization that could take him the furthest, provide the most interesting mysteries, and had the resources to reliably do so--Starfleet.
    When accepted to the academy Verad entered the Science track with an intended specialization in archaeology or applied sciences.  That was until he took an intelligence course as an elective and found his calling in intelligence analysis.  He completed the full, well-rounded Science track but switched his specialization to intelligence and piled on extra intelligence courses for his electives (along with some higher-level archaeology classes--it was still his first love) to meet the Starfleet Intelligence assignment requirements.  As he had intended (and hoped) Verad's first assignment out of the academy was indeed a low-level analyst with Starfleet Intelligence.
    He moved up over time (including to field offices and outposts) due to his quality of work and level of skill but he played internal politics...poorly.  His opinions didn't fit with most any rough group within SI (too idealistic for militarists, too interventionist for isolationists, too willing to bend the rules for idealists, etc.) and he refused to compromise on some of his stances to "better fit" with his compatriots.  This meant that the field offices and outposts he was assigned to were the less than ideal ones.  However, he did endear himself to his fellow officers by always being sure to bring his surprisingly extensive media collection.
    When the Dominion War began he, like everyone else in Starfleet, was mobilized for the war effort.  Despite his less-than-stellar standing Verad was assigned as an intelligence liaison with allied powers at Starbase 375.  He may not have been popular, but his experience and skill in working with other cultures was indisputable.  He worked extremely well with his counterparts in other governments both on and off duty, helping smooth ruffled feathers several times and assisting in several key joint-intelligence breakthroughs.  However, when the Romulans entered the war on the side of the Alpha Quadrant Alliance Verad made a career wrecking mistake.  The issue was not that he had any problems with the Romulan contingents (naval intelligence and Tal Shiar)--in fact, they both interacted with him more favorably than most other Starfleet officers.  The issue was that he became fast friends with a few of the Romulan naval intelligence officers...and eventually fell in love with one of them.
    Her name was Sublieutenant Velris and they evidently made a cute couple but a security nightmare.  Velris and Verad had very clearly set boundaries at the beginning of their relationship for mutual protection of classified data but Verad's superiors did not necessarily believe him and his issues with internal SI politics meant he had noone willing to back him up.  Despite their objections Verad argued he was still the best they had for working with the Romulans so he stayed but was explicitly told (off the record, of course) that this had torpedoed his career and his next assignment would make the most remote field office a luxury.  He regretted nothing and despite separating at the end of the war he still keeps in touch with Velris when possible (with pre-review of any communications by Starfleet Intelligence).  That said, if pushed he'll admit he still wonders if the relationship was all real or at least partially an op...possibly even entirely a long-running op.
    With the Treaty of Bajor and Starfleet returning from a war footing Verad faced his superior with his head held high and bags packed as tightly as he could.  Given the quadrant still being in flux after the war the technological reconnaissance and traffic analysis divisions wanted actually trained analysts on border ships to feed more actionable data.  As Verad still had his full science training he was assigned to U.S.S. Kitty Hawk on border patrol duty as Science Officer--the closest thing to new life he'd have to investigate is the thing growing in a smuggler's locker and his traffic analysis experience made him more suited to tracking pirates in nebulae.