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Welcome to Cragshadow

08:00, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Mina Calhoun

Race / Class    : Human Warlock
Background      : Noble
Languages       : Common, Draconic, Deep Speech, Telepathy 30'
Age / Gender    : 27, Female
Height / Weight : 5'3", 98 lbs.
Eyes  : One blue, one black.
Hair  : Black

Description   :
Mina Calhoun is a short and scrawny woman, adorned in ragged and travel-worn clothes that were once noble finery, and a vest of studded leather that is far newer but still well worn. Her hair is long and unkempt, and her eyes are most noticeably unusual: the right is as blue as ice and the left bearing a blackened sclera with a fiery iris; the later occasionally moves on its own accord. Though Mina smells of ink and paints, she looks in need of a bath and a meal. Her hands twitch, and her fingers are stained with ink and drawing charcoal. Somewhere under the grime she wears a signet ring.

Personality   :
At times aloof and addle-minded, Mina is often lost in her own thoughts. She gathers every scrap of written words she can get her hands on, and when not reading she is most often writing or drawing; whether on paper or nearby walls and floors, with her twitchy fingers stained by ink and charcoal. When left alone, she barely sleeps and forgets to eat until starving; so driven by curiosity that it nearly consumes her. For all her knowledge, however, Mina is surprisingly forgetful and scatter-brained -- as if her mind were a poorly catalogued library. Though easily dismissed as a harmless, Mina seems to be looking for connections and patterns in everything. While to some she seems on the edge of sanity, she might actually be on the edge of understanding things that unbroken minds can’t comprehend...

Brief History :
Mina vaguely remembers a time when she was a happy little girl, playing in her family's gardens and scampering through the manor halls with no cares or burdens. With some clarity she even remembers the day she made her pact with the Watcher; who's eye she met one day in the garden. The little thing tore out her pretty eye and wormed its dark tendril into her mind, then nestled neatly in the socket where it still resides.

Mina sought every ounce of knowledge she could find since then, ever driven by her patron's thirst to learn and witness along with her. When every book and scroll in the Calhoun estate had been read, Mina simply left. She forsook her duties and privileges without a second thought. She has spent much of her life on the road, traveling wherever humans were welcomed, often alone but at times with whomever would tolerate her company. More than one group of adventurers has found her abilities useful, and Mina found herself quite most fulfilled when exploring ruins or other places steeped in forgotten knowledge.

Recently, Mina’s path has taken her into the north east, to the city of Cragshadow. Once there, her patron fell oddly silent for several weeks prior to the attack. Her funds dwindling, Mina has holed up in the cheapest inn she could find -- afraid to be alone, and desperately hoping her patron returns to guide her soon.