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Welcome to [Night's Black Agents] Saboteur Blues

13:19, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Rob Zwartnacht

Rob Zwartnacht
A 60 year old Dutchman, Rob started med school in the 1970's, at the same time as being a Hippy.
Though he obtained his MD, specializing in forensics, it took him some time, as he also traveled the world (Goa, India ; Chile...), loving to learn languages, and delve into the local lore and legends - financing his travels by making pharmaceutical drugs.
Having encountered elements that made him feel there were threats out there, he soon turned to helping his country, and was able to join the AIVD, the "Dutch FBI" (The General Intelligence and Security Service ; Algemene Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdienst) in the late 1980's.
He worked there mainly as an analyst and medic (pathologist), not much in the field.
After 30 years of service, during which he rose in the ranks, finally running the research & analysis service, Rob retired from the AIVD a few years ago.
Mainly to not be bored, he became part of the team (offering "security consulting" work on the gray markets of Amsterdam).

Investigative Abilities:
Accounting  Bullshit Detector1 Astronomy1 
Archaeology  Bureaucracy1 Chemistry1 
Architecture  Cop Talk1 Cryptography1 
Art History  Flattery  Data Recovery  
Criminology1 Flirting  Electronic Surveillance  
Diagnosis1 High Society  Forensic Pathology1 
History1 Interrogation  Forgery  
Human Terrain  Intimidation  Notice1 
Languages3 Negotiation  Outdoor Survival  
Law  Reassurance1 Pharmacy1 
Military Science  Streetwise1 Photography1 
Occult Studies1 Tradecraft1 Traffic Analysis  
Research10Urban Survival     
General Abilities:
Athletics4 Filch4 Piloting- 
Conceal2 Gambling- Preparedness4 
Cover10 Hand-to-Hand1 Sense Trouble8 
Digital Intrusion60Infiltration- Shooting4 
Disguise- Mechanics4 Shrink4 
Driving- Medic (MOS)8 Surveillance42
Explosive Devices- Networking15 Weapons1 

Combat Intuition (Sense Trouble) - you can use your Sense Trouble rating to determine initiative, rather than one of the combat abilities

LanguagesfreeEnglish, Dutch
Languages3Latin, Greek, Sanskrit, Hebrew, Arabic, 4 choices left open
Cover4Samuel Stritham, British citizen, works for Williams Medical Supplies as an international sales rep, thus traveling a lot, with medical samples
Cover6points left open
Health12currently 12
Stability12currently 12

Name: Rob Zwartnacht
Background: Analyst-pathologist w. the Dutch FBI
Drive: discovering the Mystery ; he traveled a lot, studied history, languages, and has the feeling there is some Occult force at play (he does not know of Vampires, but has spotted signs of their existence)

Sources of stability:

Symbol - a small gold caduceus on a neck chain (given to Rob by his mom when he graduated and became an MD)

Solace - Mona Mooi ; my girlfriend (she runs a “food barge” in Amsterdam), Rob lives with her on that barge (on the canals of Amsterdam) when he is in town

Safety - beach pavilion in Schiermonnikoog (West Frisian Islands, up North, close to Germany). His vacation/retreat place

Vehicle training: none
Special weapons training: none
Noteworthy gear: a pencil stuck over his ear, a handgun in his jacket pocket, and his medical bag in hand…

Medical School of Hard Knocks (Medic) - you get 1 free point in Diagnosis