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Welcome to Fantastic Tales and Where to Find Them

17:18, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Ronan Calder

~ "Demons run when a good man goes to war" ~

Name: Ronan Calder
Nickname: Cal or Calder, simply because when in passing, he doesn't really give his first name at all, so the dreaded "Ron" never, thankfully, stuck
Age: 29
Species: Ifrit (Djinn) - former Human
Powers: Power to create and manipulate smokeless fire. Enhanced strength and physical fortitude, somewhat enhanced speed. He can "smell a murderer", his ifrit nature as a "vengeance entity" insists on that.

Faceclaim: Jensen Ackles

Physical Description: "Looking good for a monster." is how Ronan usually describes himself with a small sardonic smile in the corner of his lips. He has green eyes, light freckles on his face and short-cropped, light brown/dark blonde hair, sometimes accompanied by a 'five o'clock shadow' stubble. He stands at 6'1", has an athletic physique and toned musculature gained from what must have been years of physical strain. Those more knowledgeable of these things would notice that his body structure is not one gained in a gym either.
Though he is not exactly dependent on it, it's safe to say that Ronan is a very attractive individual, his good looks often paired with a rather charming smile, even when the rest of him is not exactly presentable.
He can usually be found wearing a plaid shirt over a T-shirt, jeans, and boots, though he has been known to dress up for the occasion, be it formal or more likely, impersonating someone.

Distinguishing Features: Ronan has a small, circular tattoo on his chest, specifically over his heart, featuring an endless knot pentagram, surrounded by fire; a sign of both a curse cast on him by an entity he'd rather not recall again, as well as marking him as a fire-type djinn (Ifrit)

At times, specifically when he feels the compulsion from his ifrit side, his eyes turn completely black. Though, not many get to see it. If they do, bad things happening are imminent. This is usually accompanied by his skin seemingly cracking, with wisps of fire breaking through the cracks.

Personality Description: Once upon a time, Ronan was a sweet, meek sort of a man. Better yet, he was a student of anthropology, focusing on religious scripture, due to being raised in a religious home. He was very good with words and his academic accomplishments were leading him towards becoming an assistant to his anthropology professor. The substitute lectures he held in his stead were usually packed with people, sometimes even with those not overly interested in religions.

Now, six years later, Ronan is but a pale shadow of that man. Better said, that man was but a pale shadow of what Ronan is today. His ifrit nature amplified and twisted the personality attributes he already had and turned Ronan into a charismatic, funny (though often cynical) and mischievous type of person. Someone who is not above breaking a few laws to do what needs to be done and someone who never thinks too much prior to jumping into the fray.

Despite of that, usually, he is very reasonable and understanding towards people and has been known to go against his instincts and take someone's advice, even if every ifrit cell in his body screamed to do otherwise.
Though, due to what an ifrit actually is, there is one certain situation that makes him lose his cool, which is avenging a murder of an innocent victim.

Characters likes and dislikes:

Food: Not only for the enjoyment of it, but out of necessity as well. His now supernatural form is literally burning fuel inside him, so at times, he has to consume staggering amounts of food to keep the flame going and not collapse. He lives for junk food, though.

When they run: Better said, his ifrit side truly enjoys the thrill of the chase and all that comes with it. The investigation, collecting data, planning ahead, mind-games, tracking, eventually finding what he was looking for and relishing the feeling of winning the race. Even though the issue at hand is literally bounty-hunting, he somehow treats it like a race.

Stagnancy: He hates waiting of any kind. Be it sitting in a stakeout, waiting for food to arrive, or dealing with people who dug themselves into a comfortable little niche and refuse to budge from their spot. At some point, he was warned that he might be turning hyperactive, but he dismissed it. He has no problem with lazy days, but with the unwillingness to ever move again.

Rain: Showers and baths are fine. Swimming, when absolutely necessary is fine. But the rain... slowly soaking into his clothes and literally dampening him is a nuisance. It's always difficult to use his powers if he's caught out in the rain and this usually makes him very grumpy.

Other information: Ronan does not want his curse removed, even though he was offered it and it's possible. It's unclear if he thinks of it as fitting punishment for his wrongdoings, or simply relishes the power.

Worst Fears: Finding his match, in the worst sense of the word. Being an entity of vengeance, with his task still looming over his head, he tends to turn towards righting wrongs, even when they are in need of "correcting" only through the filter of his obsession. As long as he gets opponents he can eventually defeat and thus, make a positive difference, it's fine. But he realizes that one day, he's going to come across something he won't be able to overcome and would eventually die. The death itself is not the problem, as much as the knowledge that he won't be there anymore to beat off the lesser evils and atone for the situation that set him on this path.

Alternately, he has a phobia of birds, though he'd never readily admit it.

History: Over six years ago, Ronan participated in an annual camping trip with a sizeable group of friends, all tied to each other by living in the same small town, attending high school and college together. It was only supposed to be a fun weekend away, roasting marshmallows in the woods, sharing drinks and stories, reminiscing about the days gone by and hopes for the future.

Yet another reason why he both looked forward to it and dreaded it at the same time was that after a long time of a tentative friendship with a special someone from the group, he thought he was finally ready to risk it and admit his long-accumulating feelings for his friend, only hoping he'd get a similar response in return.

However, he never got to do it.

They had run out of beer the first evening and Ronan, being one of the rare ones that did not drink and owned a car, offered to make a beer run to the local store, only a 15 minute drive from their camping site. He was gone for barely half an hour. What he came back to was carnage.

Blood and mangled bodies of his friends were laid out around the campfire, limbs torn and the people barely recognizable. All very dead, with the exception of long bloody trails leading away from the camp and several of his friend group missing, the one he wanted to see alive the most missing as well.

The rest of the evening was a haze, as Ronan snapped. The police was called shortly after, finding Ronan frantically running through the woods surrounding the campsite, calling out his friend's name, covered in blood of those in the campsite, as he had apparently disturbed the bodies. He was arrested as a suspect and held in custody for a while, his university career going down the drain.

He had no idea how long he was held there, nor how long he had spent in a mental health facility after that, but once he was cleared to leave... Ronan never went home. Instead, he ventured out of their small town and into the city, pulling every connection he had, until he found someone who was able to put some sense into what had happened that night.

Werewolves. Walking among them like it was the most normal thing in the world. Killing and eating people.

The explanation, as insane as it was, was enough for Ronan to swear he'd get revenge for all of those that were butchered that night and set down a path of a long and thorough investigation in circles he would deem blasphemous before. After some time, as he learned more and more about this whole new world of supernatural creatures, Ronan decided to fight fire with fire. He located a person who had a reputation of giving people what they want, for a price and asked them to give him the strength to avenge his friends and kill the monsters who massacred them. they did just that, latched onto his desire for revenge and turned him into an ifrit; a class of infernal djinn, rebellious in nature and considered to be a death spirit, drawn to the life-force (or blood) of a murdered victim seeking revenge on the murderer.

He became death, smoke and fire incarnate and used his newly found form to chase down the lycantropes. It took him three years to locate and catch up with the very first werewolf he killed, almost at the other side of the country, leaving nothing behind but a large lump of charcoal. However, it wasn't enough. Ronan's obsessive hunt urged him forward, the clutch of revenge not lessening in the least, the hate-haze ever pushing him to find more and more and more.

Realizing that he was simply no longer fit to return among his hometown people, he had to make peace with his new form and never looked back, no longer having any desire to return to the teaching or religion. He no longer held his former faith in conviction and had done horrible things in order to corner the werewolves. So, after some reflection on the matter, he decided to be a monster bounty-hunter, for better or for worse, ending up being something of a proverbial boogeyman to the supernatural community.

After all, what was there to return to?

What he wanted was no longer alive.