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18:01, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Caitriona Walsh

~The Leannán Sídhe (fairy mistress) seeks the love of mortals.
If they refuse, she must be their slave; if they consent, they are hers, and can only escape by finding another to take their place.
The fairy lives on their life, and they waste away. Death is no escape from her. She is the Gaelic muse, for she gives inspiration to those she persecutes.
The Gaelic poets die young, for she is restless, and will not let them remain long on earth — this malignant phantom.~

Name: Caitriona Walsh

Age: 1600

Sex: Female

Species: Leannán Sídhe (Elder/Noble Dark Fae)

Powers: Inspiration Abound - A Leanan Sidhe is a sort of a very potent muse, capable of stirring passion for artistic endeavors in anyone with even the slightest amount of talent in them and lift it to formerly unobtainable height... for a price, of course.

In exchange for her love and devotion and a chance to live brief, though highly inspired lives. To be the lover of a Leanan Sidhe often results in the madness of the artist, as well as premature death, the Leanan Sidhe gaining a portion of their remaining natural years to use and live out as her own. "The good ones die young" as the saying goes, though it’s a pity it doesn't mention having your talent and life force drained by the one who inspired you to greatness.

Cait herself no longer does the whole "until death" thing, but instead, takes only what's needed, doing small favors in exchange for a day or a week of one's life - just enough to get by, and that is only done with the "client's" full understanding of what the payment is and permission to do her thing.

Shadowstep - Being one of the "dark" fae, Cait possesses the ability to partially manipulate shadows in two ways: one - to conceal herself. It's merely a visual thing and she doesn't disappear completely, but she can draw them over herself as a sort of camouflage, so she's hard to notice. This, however, does nothing to prevent anyone with enhanced hearing and sense of smell to locate her. And two - to shift herself into the realm of her people. This, however, leaves enough magical residue for any magic-sensitive person to notice in form of a disturbance. While they can't pass through the gateway on their own, they can do so if Cait herself pulls them through.

Fae Magic: Cait has access to a vast amount of raw magic, seemingly stuck to her person, and can make some rather impressive things with it, though it requires her to give up some of the life she accumulated. This is the other reason why she sometimes asks for more than just enough to survive; because she needs some extra to be able to tap into the magic and actually do what is being asked of her.

Weaknesses: What Cait calls "The Hunger" is always present and urging her to "hunt" for talent. She always notices it, but curbs her instincts, preferring to stick with those willing to exchange favors for a "feeding".
Despite developing this kind of a coping mechanism, Cait sometimes can be caught muttering to herself, while avoiding eye-contact. Those with sharper hearing would be able to discern that she’s not actually talking shit behind their backs, but is in fact murmuring something that sounds strangely like compliments, said in a tone one would use to describe a particularly enticing slice of cake.

Cold iron - like many fae, Cait has a weakness to pure iron. It poisons and weakens her, so she avoids touching it if at all possible.

Nail trap - if one wanted to trap her somewhere, and prevent her from fleeing via Shadowstepping, she has to be tricked into leaving a footprint there, which an iron nail must be hammered into. This basically renders her immovable, until the nail is removed.

Truename: Every Fae had a name and a Truename - the one given to them the moment they came to be. This name is never revealed to anyone, as knowing a Fae's Truename means holding power over them.

Appearance: A true Irish lass in everything but her current address, Caitriona is pale, blue-eyed, and somewhat freckled, with a shock of bright red curls spilling down to her mid-back. She has sharply tipped "elven" ears, usually hidden by hair and rarely seen. More often than not, she wears it tightly bound and pinned to her head to keep it from getting in the way while she's working. She stands at 5'6" and maintains a slender figure, though, upon closer inspection, this does not seem like her natural body type, as much as a product of scarce meals and long hours of activity.

Scent: Mostly as peaches, Earl Grey tea, and moss, but as one grows closer to her, it changes into scents inviting and comforting to them
She can also change it at will, if she's luring someone in

Face Claim: Jessica Stam

Personality: Outgoing, witty, and charming, Caitriona has an air of confident capability around her. Going about her business with a charming little smirk at the corner of her lips, she's actually a shrewd negotiator, and those who met her usually tend to feel a bit wary of her, as she gives out an aura of "predator", even if she seems like the complete opposite.

However, despite her somewhat notorious background, Caitriona remains a devoted and loyal friend to anyone she establishes a positive personal connection with. She enjoys company, her work, good music, and late evening drinks by the sea. Holds those dear to her like a drop of water on her palm, often performing favors even without asking for payment.

History: Her birth preceding the Missionaries (most famously, St. Patrick) converting the Irish to Christianity, Cait was then known as merely Muirne; a creature free of the shackles of civilization, roaming the green hills and forests with her kin, her days filled with ethereal music of her people, the sound of wind through the trees and the beckoning of traveling minstrels, just asking to be taken under her wing... for a while.

Life was good. Uncomplicated. Unrestrained.

Then humanity changed. Industry and machines came. Woods started to grow smaller and religion left no room for the Fair Folk, pushing them to withdraw deeper into the woodland depths. People had no more time to seek out favors from fairies and bit by bit, the stories of the Fair Ones fell into naught but bedside stories, whispered to restless children.

Many of her kin perished over the years, either starved to death or simply shutting themselves from the ever-changing world, now moving at a pace much faster than theirs. Some, like Muirne, did the opposite. They sought to integrate with the spreading civilization. Found new, human names, learned their ways, and adapted.

Thus, Muirne eventually became Caitriona and a fairy mistress became the owner of a seaside lounge bar at Newcastle isle, making a life for herself among people she felt more at home with. At least, here, she did not have to pretend to be anything else but what she was.

Profession: Owner of the "Eventide" seaside lounge bar, though she is more known to be someone to seek out, if one needs a favor. She is particularly popular with struggling artists, musicians, and writers, who can, for a few days of their lives, finally break through whatever was holding them back from getting famous.

She does all kinds of other favors as well, but reserves the right to refuse, if they go against her morals, gray as they are.

Hobbies: Cait has a sizable flower garden near her home; one she maintains meticulously. Except for the really cold winter months, there is no time of year when something doesn't bloom there.

Besides that, through her interactions with talented people of all artistically-inclined professions, Caitriona acquired a wide array of "talents" herself, be it writing, painting, dancing, and such, but none of them significant enough to make her really noticeable because of it.

She is merely just above the average line in everything, besides singing - which is a natural talent inherited directly from her kin, though the songs she sings are old, haunting and often leave the listeners feeling melancholic and empty, as if they had just lost someone or something important to them.

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Other information:
- Nobody can actually say what Cait truly is. Cait herself never voices it, though she sometimes lets in a few telling details to those she trusts, but if asked, she'd never point herself out as a Fae or any kind. She will avoid the question, answer cryptically, or plain state that it is none of your business. She goes through great lengths to appear as nothing but a regular human with some magical ability, and should someone find out her true identity, she treats it the same way as someone threatening to reveal her True Name - no harm will come to you, but the knowledge of her true nature will be removed from your memory completely.

- Cait has something of a pet/familiar; a red fox, obviously supernatural in some way, as it has been following Cait for 6 centuries now and had always made its home in the woods near where Cait would settle for the time being. The two share a bond made on accident, Cait simply taking the time to speak to the woodland animal in soft Gaelic, when they met on one of Cait's long walks. The young fox kit was obviously taken by the Fae and kept popping up wherever Cait moved, Cait calling it her "cara", which means "a friend" in Irish, only for it to evolve into a proper name for the fox.