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Welcome to [PF2e] Rise of the Runelords

14:37, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Arialis Moonrider

Height: 5'6"                  Weight:  115 lbs
Age   : 124 years       Apparent Age:   24 years Compared to human norms
Hair  : Violet
Eyes  : Violet
Hand  : Right

Arialis is shorter than average when it comes to an elf but what she lacks in stature she makes up for in other ways. She has long flowing violet hair and shimmering
violet eyes that seem to almost sparkle in the moonlight. She is a lithe and beautiful young elven woman.

She tends to be headstrong, when her mind is made up it can be quite hard to steer it in a better direction. She can be a bit brash at times as well, sometimes
running at a problem headlong instead of thinking them through. Still despite all of that she will go out of her way to help anyone in need. She also is honorable,
and will go to any length to keep her word.

She carries with her a flute made of glass that was given to her by her mother before she left, and likes to play it in private for fear of showing others that she
has a soft side too.

She is a noble born elf, the second child from the heads of the elven House of Moonrider and House of Dragonfeather. Two elven houses that are the guardians of the
 fabled Elfgates.

Arialis has strove to become an elven knight since a young age. Learning the art of the blade from her father. During one of her training sessions however, she
 accidentally triggered an ability to step slide from one point to another which caused her mother to also begin training her in the magical arts as well. She seemed
 to be a natural at both, picking up on both with ease.

She has a soft place in her heart for helping those in trouble, whether it be via the sword, or word. So much so that she has eventually picked up the epithet of The
 Violet Knight of Kyonin. Partly because of her long flowing violet hair, and because she is an expert swordswoman trained in the art of wielding dual blades skillfully
 and artfully.

Recently her father and elder brother had left on an adventure to an unknown region, presumably to secure an elfgate. Not much is known of the circumstances, however
 all that is known is that her father was killed, and her brother has gone missing. Soon after receiving her deceased fathers armor Arialis had decided to set out in
 search for her brother. Not wanting to lead her House herself, she felt it was her duty to bring the surviving heir home, if he was still alive. And if he wasn't,
 bring word of his demise home.