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Welcome to Traveller's In A Non-Euclidean Box

23:01, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Lyric Casey

Name: Lyric Casey

Age: 18

Race: Human, Irish

Gender: Female

Description: Flaxen locks, soft green eyes, fair, smooth complexion, svelte but curvy in all the right places. 5'3" (Amanda Seyfried)

Personality:  Lyric is a mysterious gem.   Many facets make up this young woman; warmth, music,  fear, humor, intelligence, pain, curiosity, dance, creativity, sorrow, light, song, loneliness, power, she is everything and nothing, and then back again.  Her mood can flip as easily as a switch and then back again, or she can stay as cool as a spring breeze for days on end, the thing is, you just never know.  She seems as free and easy as the wind, as if she just doesn't care, and yet, you somehow know, she's always aware of what's going on around her and has an escape route already planned, though why she needs one, you haven't a clue, and, possibly, neither does she, but it never hurts to be ready.  How she can look so lazily on edge is a true talent.

History:  Lyric grew up in a family who got by with their wits and a little shenanigans.  They were not rich, but they got by, sometimes by the skin of their teeth.  She was trained from early on how to pick locks, pick pockets and pick marks.  She learned well and proved herself far more skilled than her siblings, much to her and their regret, for her father would punish them and reward her, causing sibling rivalry to an extreme.  She often guessed her father only had children to use them for his gain as he was an entirely lazy and selfish man who care little for his family and only showed affection when they brought him something of value, and that value never had anything to do with them, just what they brought him.

She much preferred dancing and singing for coins tossed in her father's upturned cap but when that did not provide enough for the family, she and her siblings would beg, 'borrow' and steal to make ends meet.  In the beginning, she saw no problems with this way of life, moving from town to town, never settling anywhere for too long.  However over time, she began to wonder if this was all there was, if this was how her life would be always.  Being chased out of town by the authorities, always having to look over her shoulder for rival clans.  She learned to read, even though her father thought it was a waste of her time.  In the pages of books she found an escape but they also create din her a longing for more, to be able to have the sort of adventure and romance she could never have entrapped in the deeply rooted tradition and way of life of her clan and the plans they already have for her future.

Special Skill: Lyric was one born with 'The Gift' as her people say.  She always had an ability to sense things out of the ordinary.  She had no control of this gift, and it was not extraorinarily strong or clear usually, in fact most of the time she didn't feel she had this so called gift at all, however now and again it was almost intensely painful.  In general she would simply have a little better ability to avoid trouble due to her 'spidey-sense' so to speak. It is chaotic, manifests in different ways and she has no ability to suppress or summon it, it does what it does when, where, and if it wants.

Notable strengths: Is a rather talented thief, dancer and singer.  Has a keen sense of self-preservation and self-reliance.

Weaknesses: Overly curious, too quick to anger, distrusting of everyone, trusts nothing.

Fears: Being trapped in a life of misery and abuse winding up a broken shell like her mother.

Desires: To escape her traveler clan and live free and to find a man who would cherish her more than gold.