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Welcome to Darke City

18:25, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jacob Stone

Name: Jacob Stone
Nickname: None unless someone gives him one.
Theme Song:

Gender: Male
Age: 32
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Cyan

Distinguishing Marks:  He has a scar on the inside of his palm, from the end of the money line at his pinky, through where sun and heart lines meet, through where head and fate lines meet, ending just before the center of his life line.

General Appearance:  A few inches over 6', he was lean and muscular, with a tapered shape as though he'd been put on a rack and stretched until he'd come to the perfect size, but he had not wished or bargained for his body, though it was made in perfect image, a body of light made from a handful of dust.  His body was all that was left of the Garden and he treated it accordingly, at least on the outside, for he knew how rotten the Garden was from within.

And so, he tended his body with care, keeping it well maintained and manicured, covered in well-tailored clothes to hide shame, and to please those who might appreciate it being revealed.  He had no preference for color or style, though everything he wore had been made just for him and they contained no names or tags, not even his own.

He wore a watch, different almost every day, though the time was meticulously set on each and he had a whole case of them in his rooms, most spinning like a globe to be wound when off his wrist.

He kept his hair shorn short, his beard likewise, though occasionally he had it shaved to the skin.  He'd never been cut, not once, though he'd worn down plenty of razors on his chin.

He had people to help him with all of that now, trainers, tailors, barbers, cooks and knew, that had been the first corruption of his ideals.

  Quick to forgive.  Loathes excuses.  This could sum up his personality quickly.  A firm believer in personal responsibility, own your mistakes, apologize and move on, either accept your flaws or change, never, ever, complain.

Granted, he's not perfect.  He may occasionally complain.  He may occasionally make excuses, but if he does, you're welcome to point out his hypocrisy, it's one of his flaws.  His other is Envy.  It is unquestionably his greatest vice, followed closely with greed.  Ironically, or perhaps purposefully, his first bargain was with one of his least influential vices and if the opportunity presents itself, other bargains with his other less influential vices will be in the works.

That's not to say he's immune to other vices or devoid of virtue, he is human after all.  It's only that when he looks in the mirror, which he does on occasion (though not often as he has people to do it for him), he can admit which vices have a greater hold and which virtues he holds with greater admiration.  Hint, diligence and prudence are high on the list, humility and chastity are low.

He'd like to think he's smart, but he's smart enough to know that pride and humility being what they are, there are smarter people in the world.  He'd like to think he's patient and forgiving, but he knows that wrath is always close at hand.  Similarly, while he'd like to think himself prudent, he knows death is just a few steps away; sometimes literally.

Sexual Preferences: Heterosexual though he can appreciate the male form enough to watch

Employment: Co-Owner and Operator of Club 9

About Your character:

The system was rigged.  Which system you might ask?  All systems.  That was practically the very definition.  The word came from the Greek, sústēma sún hístēmi, I stand together with the whole.

The was no freedom, there never was, despite what some theologians and philosophers might claim, there was fate, destiny, divine intervention, and a hidden system masquerading behind the notion of free will.  The closest anyone would ever get was chance.  Not luck (which had a preferred outcome), not chaos (which was the opposite of a system, not freedom from it), only chance, pure, simple chance.  From the Latin, cadentia, cadere, falling, to fall, to happen, to occur, to die.

He was part of the system now too.  They all were, but he did get the frequent chance to live on its edge, both literally and figuratively.

Literally, not every floor of the tower was legal.  L6 and L9 in particular fell well outside human law.  L5 and L7 too, he supposed, at least on occasion. Even the Penthouse wasn't exactly free from sin, though he did his best to keep it contained to the most mundane kind, at least with his rooms.

He'd always known the game was rigged, the house always won.  He'd seen it, living in the city his entire life, he knew there was no escape, neither for the wicked nor the divine.  The whole thing was a shame, some game played by those who barely saw people as toys, let alone human beings.  Corporations, politicians, priests, all of them used and all of them abused.

He wasn't a cynic though, he knew there were some good people in the world, the world was just stacked against them and more often than not, they were going to lose.  So, how do you win in a game that's designed to cheat you out of everything?  You make your own rules and you insert a little chance.  He had no illusions that he was actually going to win in the end.  He knew the cards were against him.  Hell, he knew half the house was against him and it was his own damn house!  He knew he was probably going to lose, but there was the slightest chance, pure chance, free from anything other than the roll of a die (or more accurately, the spin of a wheel).  One day that chance would come and maybe, just maybe he'd truly be free.  In the meantime, life wasn't so bad and all he had to do was maybe damn a few people along the way.  In the end though, that was really up to them.

Things to think about

1. What is your characters reason for coming to Darke City?  Jacob has always lived here, or at least, for as long as he can remember.  He grew up, watching how the city ate people alive, their dreams, their morals, their souls.  He hadn't realized how literal that was until he was older, hadn't realized how the whole thing really was just a big game 'they' were meant to lose.  He didn't want to play that game, so as soon as he figured out the rules, he figured out a way to stop playing.  That, or maybe he's trying to play a different game, one all his own.

2. What do you think they'll bring to the game?  Besides my awesome ability to run clubs and businesses?  Jacob brings a human perspective, one that knows full well what the fate of a human is in Darke City, one who is neither out to push people down or lift people up, but rather, help them climb or fall depending on their own personal desires.  In less vague/dramatic terms, he'll be a facilitator for whatever stories and experiences others want to tell, all within the perspective of his own views on the world at large.

3. What do you see as their main motivation currently?  One motivation is to become 'too big to fail'.  Jacob is actually hoping to entice other demons and/or powerful beings into investing in his success so that no one has a desire to knock him down (and lose their investment in him or his club).  That's his more strategic motivation.  He'll also be striving to add more random elements into people's decision making and choices, flipping coins, rolling dice, spinning wheels, letting that determine the direction things go.  His goal is to get as much freedom from guided manipulation as possible since he knows full well there are a lot of influential people/forces out there both subtle and overt to resist.

4. What are you looking to get out of this kind of RP?  Other than being mercilessly pursued and seduced by a demon (or tempting one himself)?  Not really sure.  Something different for 'me'?  I don't normally play in heavily demon/angel style supernatural games, so this will be a bit of a creative stretch.