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Welcome to Sanctuary Cove:An Adult Furry Game

11:26, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Myshka (Misha) Poletov

Name:Myshka (Misha) Poletov

Race: Splice

If a Splice, what kind (what animal/creature are you based on)?: Siberian Tiger

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Sexuality (if a virgin, put Unknown): Hetero

Eye color: Pale green

Hair Color: Red with brown streaks.

Physical Description:

Misha look was tailored.  Most of her dimensions are that of a normal female woman if not slightly taller than average at 6'1''.  She is well toned with curves in the hips and the chest. Her body is covered with a thin fur that is smooth and soft.  White fur paints her front quarters brushing outward eventually blending into tanned orange with faded stripes radiating from her backbone.  She had a long tail that continues the pattern of orange and black culminating in a white tip.

Her facial features are distinctly human with a feline edge.  Her eyes are almond shaped with green deep pools and narrowed pupils.  Her teeth are sharp with extended canines.  Her ears are human and yet pointed with a velvet of fur.  Likewise her face is graced with the same velvet fur, white blending up into orange with black stripes that disappears into her hairline.

Her fingers are longer than the average human tapering into claw like points rather than fingernails.  Her feet are normal human save the heavy pads on the balls of her feet designed for silent movement.

As far as clothing, Misha prefers to cover her breasts which is decidedly female in nature.  Likewise she'll wear the matching bottoms for fashion's sake.  It attracts too much attention to only wear the top half.  When she was doing her "work" she would wear "human costume," as she likes to call it.  Her favorite was a black turtleneck with jeans tailored to accommodate her tail.  On top of that she would wear a trench and gloves.  She could even wear special contacts if she needed her eyes to look right.  A light dusting of powder and she could blend in with the human population at night anyway.  That was after all the point.

Misha is quiet by nature and a watcher.  She reads a great deal and loves physical exercise.  She is not an angry woman, but she does have a temper that will flair if she is pushed.  She is highly competitive and a perfectionist.  She will work for hours on one move just to ensure that her body knows it if she has to use it.

"Retirement" has caused her to move into more intellectual and crafty pursuits.  She was told to take up knitting, but finds it ridiculous.  Since that time she has found her way into the kitchen.  She enjoys cooking- a great deal in fact.  She is a fan of Julia Child.  The tall human woman makes her laugh.  She has tried a number of crafts as well and has a large collection of yarn works that have disappointed her.  At last she has decided that the old adage about cats liking yarn does not extend to her species. She does, in fact hate water, and will go out of her way to avoid it.  While she can swim, she prefers to sun rather than swim.

Misha has a dry sense of humor that verges on sarcasm, but it is rarely directed at anyone other than herself.  She is given to talk to herself- fortunately no one answers now that she has gone into retirement.

No amount of distraction can remove her demons.  She remembers what she has done in her life and it haunts her.  While certainly she did not kill innocent people- death is death.  She is working to cleanse her life but

Myshka Poletov was created to be an assassin.  Over the course of her career she changed hands several times.  Only the first few were Slavic.  When she left the region they couldn't pronounce her name and she became Misha.  It was easier and frankly the breath wasted in trying to teach those who didn't care how to say it correctly was air lost not gained.

Her growth process was matured, so she didn't have what would be called a childhood.  At best she had an adolescence where she was trained.  Martial Arts, hand to hand combat, a thousand ways to accomplish the same action- cleanly, smoothly, without a trace.  Her trainer, master, and tutor acted as her handler for several years.  When he was changed she was devastated, but learned very quickly that she was a weapon not a person and would be treated accordingly.

Her life toughened her.  A steady stream of propaganda left her believing that what she was doing was good and noble.  She doesn't know how many deaths were at her claws.  The number faded over the course of years and simply became one job and then another another.  Anti-depressants entered her life when the monotony and isolation started to effect her.  Her life turned into a haze with bloody fingers.

No one has a perfect record.  There is always a slip.  There is always a fail.  Misha's happened and she was never the same again, because it wasn't a slip or a fail.  That was the report, because that was what she told her handler.  One year ago, she chose to not complete her mission.  It was the first time she had been asked to kill a child- her parents were the targets and the little girl collateral damage.  Misha drew a line.  She was immediately "traded," the drugs ceased, and her head cleared.

The reason for her being at Sanctuary is classified.  In many powerful eyes she is a traitor.  In many dangerous eyes she is a liability who knows many secrets.  In Sanctuary she is a tiger who hates yarn.

If a Splice, how does this character react to other Splices?
Misha knows about Splice.  She has come in contact with many during her career.  She was not allowed "friends" when she was working, so she has little experience living among them, but she holds no ill will.  There are those who were in her line of work; however, that she is wary about.  She is very aware that she could be a target.  While she's certain she could handle herself if the need arises, her place here relies on her being good.  Currently she is reading about Buddhism.

If a Splice, how does this character react to humans?
She is comfortable around Humans but in many ways she finds them more dangerous than those with jaws and claws.  They use tools like herself to be their weapons- that makes them a species to be careful around.  In general though, she accepts them- again it's part of her deal.  She has to play nice and in return she doesn't have to worry about having her throat slit in a dodgy motel somewhere.

Anything else we should know about your character?
Not at this time.