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12:21, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Amalice A'Darond

Character name: Amalice A'Darond
Race: Drow
Age: 130
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 150 lbs.
Sexuality: Bisexual, strong preference for men

Appearance: Despite being roughly the same size as an average human man, Amalice is nonetheless an imposing figure. Part of that aura is the reputation of her people that follows her wherever she goes. The perpetual look of annoyance she wears does little to make her more approachable, and the scowl and squinted eyes brought upon by the rays of the sun only serve to worsen her outward demeanor.

Amalice has quite obviously lived a life of conflict, whether it's the faint lines of battles won and lost traced across the slate gray skin on her face or the slender but defined muscles built on top of an otherwise graceful elven frame. Underneath that, Amalice possesses the almost universal beauty shared across her kin, slightly marred by strife as it may be. The drow woman seems perfectly capable of leveraging her looks when necessary, because beauty - as all things are - is a weapon in the hands of a drow.

Her hair shares its color with freshly fallen snow, its length reaching to the middle of her back when left unbound, though it is seldom not tied into a ponytail or braid of some kind. When in direct sunlight, it takes upon an almost angelic glow simply because of how the hue interacts with the light. In the same sunlight, her eyes are dominated by a deep, ruby red, though as her surroundings darken, more and more of the red is overtaken by the black of her pupil until only a faint ring of crimson remains in absolute darkness.

Amalice's attire is largely practical, though it isn't unheard of for her to embrace her femininity when the fancy catches her. The armor she wears appears to be mostly human in its craftsmanship; simple yet effective and made mostly of sturdy metals with a few accents of gold here and there. The golden theme repeats itself across a few of her other accessories, and when one's eyes fall upon the medallion worn around Amalice's neck, it becomes clear why: the drow advertises herself as one of Calistria's chosen.

Background: There is very little that Amalice will openly share about herself. When pressed, she will not deny her heritage nor the fact that she grew up below the surface and fully immersed in the culture of her people. Those seeking out details rarely get far, perhaps only receiving a few affirmations that some of the rumors surface dwellers hear about the drow are indeed true.

The circumstances that brought her to the surface are never spoken of, and any who ask are met with glares and tight-lipped silence. How she came to be a mercenary in the employ of Brevoy is kept equally secret.