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Welcome to PF: Kingmaker GGW

03:23, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Myla Trovsi

Myla is a young human woman that stands five feet even, with the sort of figure that's curvaceous without being pudgy. She has long, wavy black hair and deep blue-green eyes. Her voice, which she considers one of her best features, is high and soft, melodious but also slightly breathy. Her singing voice, on the other hand, is clearer and stronger. Some tavern patrons that have heard both think that the breathiness is an affect to seem flirtatious and thus garner tips, but it's actually the other way around - it's her singing that shows the effects of intentional vocal training.

As adventurers go, Myla is on the "soft" side at present, both in terms of build and experience. She has little practical experience in marching through wilderness or raiding bandit camps and monster lairs, and her middle-class upbringing as a waitress and singer in her parents' tavern hasn't given her much experience with combat or strenuous labor apart from her recent training. She's used to having a roof over her head and at least a minimum of creature comforts and downtime to pursue her own interests. Still, she takes both her goals and her responsibilities to the party seriously, and hopes to power through the less enjoyable parts of adventuring with only a minimal amount of complaining.

Current equipment: Myla wears a sheathed longsword on her belt and a shortbow over her shoulder. She wears a full explorer's outfit with leather armor showing in places under the outer layers, and totes a well-made backpack that looks a little too heavy to be comfortable.