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Welcome to PF: Kingmaker GGW

00:11, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Nell Safronova

Character name: Nell Safronova
Age: 25
Race: Human
Class: Oracle or maybe still inquisitor
Archetype: TBD
Sexuality: She kind of feels like she has a family now - her girls. One she's leaving behind in the city to go scout out and establish a new home for them. She's certainly a very sexual woman, pan- or bi-

Description:  Nell is a strikingly beautiful young woman with, golden hair and sparkling eyes. She's tall with the powerful. athletic build and raging temper of her Kellid heritage, but curvy, and with a swashbuckling style and a grace to her movement. Her long, honey-blonde hair is straight and cascades down her shoulders, but flows thick and wild, often kept out of her eyes with a head scarf. Her body is lush and thick but she knows how to move it. She is not every man's taste to be sure, far too muscular and intimidating for many, but she's got friends for those who like the petite type.

Personality: She's daring, reckless and optimistic, seeks pleasure and excitement, lives hard and fast and doesn't think much about consequences. But she's fiercely protective and loyal to the people she cares about, the urchins, sex workers and gang of women she ran in Brevoy. Now, run out of her old home and 'family', she's looking for a new home for them. The invitation to explore the Stolen Lands couldn't have come at a better time. She's smart, charming and brutal when she needs to be to keep her girls safe.

Nell was born in Restov to a Yala, a Kellid woman who had been lured away from Numeria by the bright lights and excitement of the city. Yala abandoned her people and their traditions to lose herself in the 'big' city, as many women from the countryside do. And, as has happened to many other young women, the city chewed Yala up and destroyed her. She fell into the sex trade as a way to keep fed and alive, working taverns and inns to support her young but growing daughter. Nell never knew her father, and was convinced that her mother truly didn't know who he was either.

Her mother did the best she could, but Nell was more than a handful for a single mother. She was willful, stubborn and rebellious, and it just got worse as she approached her teenage years. She began spending more and more time away from her mother, and was for all practical purposes estranged from her by the time she was thirteen, living on the streets with the urchins and pickpockets. It was here she met another young woman, and the two became friends, working together to beg, scrounge and sometimes steal to keep themselves fed. They were both young, but fell into an easy rapport with each other, with Nell as the 'muscle' to back up the plans, and loyal partner.

She was shattered when her friend left the life to apprentice with a scribe, but also thrilled that her best friend, someone she loved dearly, was moving on to a better life. A life beyond scrounging through the muck for minuscule treasures that the world forgot.

Nell continued to grow on the streets, moving from a harmless street urchin to a leader of a gang of girls. As she and her gang grew into women, they learned other ways to make a living on the streets of Restov. Their exploits grew less thievery and petty violence and more sexual as the girls grew up. Nell is basically a good person, but no one hurts her girls. She would sit down the new clients and explain that to them over a drink, a dram or two of the good stuff. And if they got carried away and hurt one of her girls anyways? Well, Nell was always happy to return the injury tenfold. It was her downfall.

The traveler was nobody. but he'd roughed up Lara something fierce. When Nell went after him with a few of her 'muscle' girls, she had no idea how connected he was. A priest of Asmodeus in Restov traveling on business to set up a trade mission with some wealthy and unsavory characters. He wasn't about to let her roughing him up go unpunished and before she knew it she had a price on her head. She had to get out of town and take the heat off of her girls, vowing to find them a better place to relocate in the Stolen Lands.