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Welcome to San Diego by Night: Los Espias de Negro (5th ed VtM Canon)

21:18, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Franky Giovanni

Height: 5'9"
Weight: 170lbs.
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Brown
Clan: Hecata
Generation: 11th
Embrace Date: 14 September 1997

Description: Franklin Antonio Giovanni is average height with with a slender, unimposing build. His hair usually a short mess, too. Franklin doesn't have an Italian accent. He has a west coast American accent. He also hates dressing up for social gatherings and is uncomfortable with proper etiquette around elder kindred. Franklin shies away from interaction with new kindred and is reluctant to engage in Elysium anything because as a Giovanni, his opinion doesn't matter anyway. Typically, Franky can be found out in the streets hanging around biker bars, seedy pawn shops, and hidden whore houses. His demeanor is often different as well, where he is leather clad, appears to be coked up, and seems to be itching for a fight.

Brief Bio: Franky Giovanni's sire is the late, great, Chas Giovanni. Like his sire, Franky is a short tempered fighter and a piss poor necromancer. He makes up for his lack of Necromancy with an abundance of Potence and Fortitude. He's a noteworthy Alley Cat whose primary means of supporting himself and gathering influence or connections is by beating the snot out of someone and taking it.

Franky is in San Diego by way of Las Vegas because he once ripped off a Toreador's dress (for calling him short and stating his jacket was out of style) and choked her with it so hard her eyes popped out of socket (literally) outside Elysium (before even entering). Then he staked a nearby Sheriff's Deputy with a broken 2x4 (in a trash pile) that tried to stop him while he drug the Harpy down the alley, where he allegedly assaulted her with a crowbar (the stories vary depending on who tells them), before throwing her in a dumpster. He was about to light it on fire before having to flee the scene due to unwanted attention and overwhelming odds. It was his bad. He may have overreacted.

Now Franky does his best to avoid Elysium so mistakes like that don't happen again. He's also found something of a niche for himself in the 1UP coterie by being their muscle. He even occasionally moonlights as a mercenary for the Sheriff when really heavy lifting needs to be done. Unlike others trying to avoid the Anarch and Camarilla war, Franky thinks it can't come fast enough. It will give him a reason to bust a few heads that have it coming and allow him to get away with it.

-Brass Knuckles
-Leather Jacket
-,44 Magnum with silver bullets just in case
-1989 Harley Davidson
-Fight Club poster
-12.13 in cash plus a roll of quarters

Noteworthy Rumors:
-Franky actually raped that Harpy with a crowbar but she won't admit it.
-Franky once wrapped a Ventrue to a vending machine, lit him on fire, and threw him out a window.
-Franky doesn't talk about Fight Club.
-Franky is unable to use Blood Sorcery.
-Franky knows a werewolf.
-Franky is actually a Sabbat Brujah.
-Franky is looking for someone to teach him Presence.