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Welcome to San Diego by Night: Los Espias de Negro (5th ed VtM Canon)

20:04, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Timothy London

Height: 5'8"
Weight: 212lbs.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Clan: Ventrue
Generation: 11th
Embrace Date: 08 October 2001

Description: Timothy is a stocky, buff, black man of average height. He is impeccably groomed and well dressed. Timothy has a Philadelphian accent, and a wicked sense of humor. He has a loud laugh, from deep within his gut and usually seems like he is in a good mood. Timothy is almost always well armed, and unlike more 'proper' members of his clan isn't afraid to get his hands dirty. When trouble is expected, Timothy often dons military style equipment.

Brief Bio: Timothy is what the Ventrue refer to as a Rook. He is smart and adaptable, but also very tough. He jokes around and can be just as vulgar as any street hoodlum, but he is very quick to impose a little intimidation and authority on those who don't know when fun time is over. Timothy has sais numerous times before, "I didn't graduate from Harvard or Yale, but the guys that work for me did."

Timothy has earned himself a small collection of boons by acting as a bodyguard for other members of his clan and the occasionally important kindred willing to give him what he wants. He has been especially valuable in dealing with the 2nd Inquisition types by being a shoot first and ask questions later type. His reliability and rate of success has earned him a position as one of Taki's Deputies. He takes it seriously, and finds the job suitable.

Timothy has run into a few roadblocks trying to get his hands on some police influence, but has found it pretty easy picking up bits and pieces of the Brujah's street connections. Timothy has also been known to have a few Industrial and Bureaucratic connections. Finally, Timothy is an agent on his sire, Phoenix's behalf. While most kindred understand that Phoenix is the kindred who can get you what you want when you want it, Mr. London is often the middle man or delivery guy.

-New Bently
-Pimpin' Suit
-Ghetto Accent
-A Fat Blunt
-AR-15 equipped with night vision & shell catcher
-Glock 18
-Kevlar Vest
-Burner Phone

Noteworthy Rumors:
-Timothy is blood bound to Phoenix.
-He is a Tremere pawn.
-He resents his sire.
-Timothy is content with his role.
-Timothy was once considering a role with the Anarchs.
-He is an instigator who stirs up trouble with the Anarchs.
-He was a pimp in life.
-He is from New York.
-Timothy resents violence.
-Timothy will talk about Fight Club.