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Welcome to Hot California Nights(Adult Freeform)

10:20, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Bram Hungrig

Age 34

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Career: Forensic Cleanup Specialist (Hitman)

Description: Bram is rather average height of 6 feet and weighs perhaps 200lbs. He keeps himself in very good shape with claims that lugging around the chemical and cleaning equipment keeps him fit. He dresses in simple clothing most of the time, a polo shirt and some slacks or jeans. He has blue eyes and dark hair when he is seen, and generally only when doing his job as a clean up expert.

Personality: Bram is surprising jovial for someone who both cleans up after a murder and sometimes doing one. He smiles often, though it doesn't always reach his eyes. He can be callous in a moments notice and sometimes finds it hard to fulfill his cleanup jobs without open disgust at how sloppy some people are, going to extreme measures to actually hunt down and kill the sloppy perpetrator as afront to his professional skills as a hired killer.

Bio: Bram was born the only child of a rather older couple Colorado. He grew up enjoying hunting, trapping and fishing. He was quite good at it and always seem to be able to bring back something for the dinner table. This skill turn into a more impressive feat when he completely Marine Core Sniper school. He was dishonorably discharged for striking a superior officer that cost the victim his left eye. He found himself in California and was contacted by an old marine buddy who offered him a job doing cleanup work.

 He got the certification and made good money doing what no one else wanted to do, during one of his jobs he found a weapon that the police missed. He received a phone call that offered him 5 figures to lose the gun and when he did and received the money. He was later contacted with an offer for 6 figures if he would do something about the man who had left the gun at the scene. Three days later his bank account was fatter and soon he began to receive regular calls for his services and as his skill has risen so has his price.

 He lives in an excellent house and car, he is very quiet about his side job as he doubts anyone would understand it.

Sexual Likes: Bondage, Choking, Impact play, Anal, proud and defiant women who he can break.

Sexual Dislikes: Clingy women, Monogamy, overly proper acting women.