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Welcome to San Diego by Night: Los Espias de Negro (5th ed VtM Canon)

20:56, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Allison Graves

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 133lbs.
Hair: Blue-Green
Eyes: Green
Clan: Lasombra
Generation: 12th
Embrace Date: 14 April 2009

Description: Allison Graves does not strike an imposing or intimidating figure. If it wasn't for the color of her hair (or lack of a reflection), Allison wouldn't stand out at all. Allison is easily overlooked in a crowd. She is usually quiet and reserved, letting others do the talking so she doesn't have too. While she could be considered pretty if she tried, Allison doesn't dress up unless she absolutely has too. Her demeanor suggests a humble upbringing where wealth was not wasted on frivolous things like expensive jewelry or flashy clothes. A pair of jeans and a tank top when it's warm or a sweatshirt when it's chilly does Allison just fine. Her one splurge on clothing seems to be Chuck Taylors. Allison seems to be able to swap them out on demand. Perhaps the most interesting thing about Allison's appearance is that she always seems to be well fed. She also seems to blink without being prompted to do so.

Brief Bio: Nobody would guess that Allison is a member of Clan Lasombra without studying her for some time. She isn't commanding, doesn't take charge of situations, and definitely doesn't speak with an aura of arrogance common among Magisters with any sort of age or power. The embrace was very traumatic for Allison. She was, to put it bluntly, a shovelhead. The Sabbat rites did not strip Allison of her humanity as intended, they strengthened it. Allison wholly rejected the beast, and as a result, was tortured and humiliated non stop by her former peers with only the Viniculum keeping her from falling into insanity.

When the opportunity to leave the Sabbat and join the Camarilla presented itself, Allison was all to happy to stake a particularly annoying packmate and turn them over to Nigel. It was her first experience with the Malkavian, and while she doesn't know what to make of him, he didn't try to destroy her and hasn't gone out of his way to torment her, so he can't be all bad.

Allison isn't quite sure of what to make of the Camarilla yet. It's a lot different than the Sabbat and has these things called Traditions she's trying to get the nuances of, but the Anarchs are a different story. The Anarchs do crazy things, say crazy things, and seem to want to get violent, but they aren't as extreme as the Sabbat. This confuses Allison, because in her mind, nobody would want to be like the Sabbat, even if it's Sabbat-lite. For the time being, Allison has a lot to learn and she knows it.

Allison's short time in the Camarilla hasn't been all under the radar. She's run afoul of a couple of the Brujah, having been caught poaching in their domain. She's also had Jagged Jimmy blow up her spot in more than one key game of billiards with some serious money (as far as Allison is concerned) on the line, causing some serious tension between the two.

One of the most interesting things about Allison is that despite her casual nature and nonviolent demeanor is that she does have a very mean, very violent streak.

-1984 Jeep Wagoneer
-Custom Pool Cue
-387.00 in mixed bills
-A Stripper's number
-A gaming laptop with a heavily modded copy of Fallout: New Vegas ready to go
-A beef with Jagged Jimmy

Noteworthy Rumors:
-Allison wanted out of the Sabbat because she is too humane for it.
-She thinks she can hang with Team N2O.
-She is naturally warm to the touch.
-Allison likes dogs more than people.
-She thinks all Brits are sexy because of their accent.
-Allison feeds exclusively from Goths.
-Allison's favorite discipline is Potence.