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Welcome to Urban Shadows in New York

11:26, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Amanita Jezra

Look: female, Middle eastern, street clothes, Volatile

Amanita Jezra is an average sized, average looking, middle-eastern woman with sharp, high cheekbones and sharp, penetrating eyes. Her skin is a light brown and is always slightly too warm to the touch and always marked by what looks like smears of soot. Flames dance deep in her eyes.

When she reveals herself as a Spirit of Flames and Freedom, her skin glows from within like embers and her eyes blaze and her hair moves about as though in a sudden updraft of warm air.

Who were you before your death?
-A nobody. The eldest daughter in a Middle Eastern family who did nothing but help out at their restaurant and help out around the house.

What do you remember of your old life?
-Mostly the feelings of the weight of obligation, the restrictions of compassion and love and connection. I remember wanting out, wanting more, wanting to be free, but others always needing my time and attention. But I also remember the love. The pure, real, redeeming love. And that is what I avenge.

Who saw you rise from the grave?
-A group of gothy teens who'd been drinking in the graveyard on a weeknight. Amanita knows who they are, knows where they live, but so far they've been too scared to say anything to anyone.

What symbol of your old life haunts you?
-I found the actual lighter used to burn my family's restaurant down amid the ruins. It has a Captain American logo on it. I keep it. I don't even know why. The thought that someone could idealize Captain America and murder a poor family with fire confuses her. There's a lesson there somewhere that's very important for her to learn, but she cannot grasp it yet.

Who pulls you away from your vengeance?
-The imam Hashem Fatyeh. He dimly suspects what she is and what her mission is. He counsels compassion and forgiveness. And he tries to engage her in community projects in and around the mosque where he lets her live.

The Jezra family owned a small restaurant in the Bronx. The Jezra's always did what they were supposed to do. The worked hard, they paid taxes, they kept their heads down, they chased that American Dream. That also meant they bowed down to the Al Saddiq crime family. Paid their protection money. Treated the gangsters with respect. Never said a word.

Amanita also always did as she was told. She was modest and obedient and loyal and gave everything to her family.

Then the Jezra's had a bad couple of months. The Saddiq's didn't like. To 'motivate' her parents to pay, they roughed up Amanita. Blackened an eye. Split a lip. Cut off one of her pinkie fingers. .

Amanita did what Americans did and went to the police. But the Detective that took her statement was on the take for the Al Saddiq's and reported them.

They came back. Executed her parents. Locked her and her siblings in the restaurant and burned it to the ground.

Amanita and her family always did what they were supposed to do. And in the end it didn't matter. Because all there is in this world is the freedom brought by violence. Whoever has the power to deliver violence can do as they wish.

Amanita is back now as a spirit if flames and freedom. She glows from with as though filled with burning embers when using her powers. Her skin is hot to the touch. Flames dance in her eyes. She haunts the attic of a local Mosque. The imam knows she is there, has some idea of her mission and purpose, and tries to temper her wrath with compassion.

So far, to Amanita, 'compassion' sounds a lot like 'obedience.' And she's about done with that. Forever.



Shaeila the Falcon, my Daemon (2 Debts)
-She brought me back from the other side.

Lilith Voss (1 Debt)
-She was indirectly responsible for my family's execution and mourned my death, deeply and truly.

Jessica Addams (1 debt)
-Jessican continues to consider Amantia a friend, even though her friendship is nothing but trouble.


Jake Morello (1 debt)
-Jake tried to get justice on the man who killed my parents, but his Demon turned him aside.

Jessica Addams (2 Debts)
-Jessica come to rely on my powers.