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17:43, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Imogen Cook



Time Zone / Country: GMT+0/UK
Expected Posting Times / Frequency: 0600-0700, 1200-1300, 1800-2100 / 2-4 posts per week


Name: Imogen Cook
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Nationality British
Place of Birth: Oxfordshire, England
Blood type: O+
Student, teacher, or city dweller: student
Studying / teaching / occupation: studying Mathematics
Sexual Orientation: hetero, but bi-curious
Theme Tune (optional):



Imogen is Caucasian, with auburn hair in a short pixie-cut, dark brown eyes, clear skin and a slightly pointed chin. She's 5'5", with a wiry runner's physique. Her voice is clear, and distinctly English with a mild RP accent. She favors comfortable clothing that's not overly revealing, but has enough vanity to choose outfits that show off her runner's legs.


The outer self

Imogen comes across as quietly self-confident and in control, unwilling to back down from a challenge.

The inner self

Imogen utterly despises being seen as just a pretty face... yet she also loves the attention her looks bring her. This drives her to over-achieve in academic and athletic events, and to define herself as self-reliant: a truly self-confident person wouldn't feel uncomfortable asking for help when needed, but Imogen is forever unwilling 'show weakness' by asking for help.

This also makes her a bit stubborn, since admitting her mistake would be a weakness.

It's also driven her preference for scientific subjects. With more subjective, artistic subjects, she never felt confident that a good grade was deserved.

List their desires and hopes

New and exciting experiences. She'd really like to learn to sail, or SCUBA dive.

Imogen hasn't given much thought to her future, and is hoping to find something she can enthusiastically embrace; for that matter, finding someone she can enthusiastically embrace.

While Imogen doesn't believe in ghosts, she's curious about ghost stories and intends to look into the stories that surround Black Oak university. (She's a 'Velma'.)

List their fears and dislikes

Dislikes people - principally men - who are only interested in her looks.

Fears being vulnerable or not in control.

Related to the above, since she's ticklish she hates being tickled. To a lesser extent, that also applies to anything that makes her itch: even more than the discomfort itself, it's the sense of not being in full control of herself.


Imogen is quite an amateur athlete, especially at distance running. She's also a good swimmer, and a pretty good dancer.

She's a brown belt at jujitsu.

She's good at mathematics; successive teachers helped nurture her natural talent.

She can ride, though she's a bit out of practice.


Imogen isn't as good at academic 'fuzzy subjects'; she prefers less subjective things.

She's poor at anything artistic, such as drawing or sculpting. She actually worries about this a little, wondering if she lacks an artistic side altogether; despite her views about her looks, she could be talked into posing for an artist or photographer just to feel part of something artistic (ironically, she doesn't consider her dancing to be artistic).

She's physically lightweight, only 115 lbs, and easily pushed aside or grabbed (though the grabber will not have a passive 'grabbee'!). While she's skilled at jujitsu, it's all about leverage and pressure points rather than strength; it's less help against a person (or a ghost!) who can grab her and hoist her off the ground.

She's also a lightweight when it comes to alcohol.

She's very ticklish.

She always super-sizes her drinks or accepts a free refill as it's 'good value', no matter how often this comes back to bite her. She's stubborn that way.


Father: Matthew Cook, age 48, software engineer (still alive)
Mother: Amanda Cook, age 47, housewife and part-time chartered accountant (still alive)

Imogen belongs to the 'county set', and grew up in a small village in Oxfordshire. She rode a pony as a child, but her interest in riding petered out as she grew older. At school, she successfully juggled academic and athletic success, becoming Head Girl in her final year.

In her early school days, she got into a lot of fights with bullies. Her school complained to her parents, hoping they'd encourage her to report the bullies to the teacher on duty. Their response wasn't what the school expected or wanted: they enrolled Imogen in jujitsu lessons. After she'd dumped a couple of bullies onto the playground tarmac - hard - they started keeping a safe distance and merely called her names.

Her interest in maths was triggered when she made a careless arithmetic mistake in primary school, and the teacher dismissively told her girls were no good at maths. That drove her to prove him wrong; it was a couple of years before it dawned on her that he'd done it deliberately to goad her into trying harder.