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Welcome to SW: Pirates of the Canaddaeen

10:22, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Williem Tampier

Born in Brayton to minor nobility of little note. A distant branch of a branch of one of the many Brayton royal families Williem was of course afforded the luxuries and education even for such a minor house as his own going so far as to attend King's of Durinton. Following school he joined the Brayton royal Navy but found himself on the outs after taking ill mysteriously. Following his discharge from the Navy he set out to make his own way by any means necessary.

Falling in with several privateer groups he eventually gained the attention of the Esanpyan governors on the the Main, and was tried and convicted of piracy by the crown, however he managed to escape in with his life in the confusion of a privateer raid the night before he was to be executed.

Aboard ship Williem is an able sailor, capable of most any task necessary and proficient at them. He's far from the most skilled of sailors at any one task. Where he does excel however his mind is sharpened by knowledge, and science. It sees the world the way other, less educated men do.  AS such is renowned for his navigational and naturalist skills and he obsessively records every small detail in his journals taking much joy in new discoveries.

As a consumate naturalist and observer of the whole world. He has seen things, rumors that his mysterious illness that caused his discharge from the Navy stemmed from coming too close to something, perhaps not of this world.... but you know how those rovers and old sea dogs chatter and spin tells all for another pint by the fire.