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Welcome to [Night's Black Agents] Saboteur Blues

12:04, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Lia Mizrahi

Name: Lia Mizrahi
Age: 32
Background: ex-Mossad deep cover agent, art "acquisitions specialist"
Drive: Thirst for adventure
Operational history: Daughter of a former Israeli ambassador to France. Approached by the Mossad while she was studying History of Art at the Sorbonne and working as an aspiring theatre actress. Noted for her ability to melt into any social environment. First assignments were seducing diplomats in Paris and extracting compromising documents. After graduating, she was transferred to Israel for specialised training. Throughout her 20s, she infiltrated several organisations in Gaza and Iran. Burned out on the Middle East operational theatre, she asked to be transferred to European ops. After helping capture a nuclear whistleblower that was subsequently tortured to death, she had a crisis of faith and resigned.

Lia resurfaced in Europe two years ago, using her skills and social graces to orchestrate several high-profile art robberies. She has made (and spent) real money as an "acquisitions specialist" for several, very private Swiss collectors...

Sources of stability
Symbola Byzantine golden ring she wears as a pendant, the first thing she stole (from a dealer in Damascus).
SolaceSaskia, a DJ of the Amsterdam techno scene. Every bit as edgy, two-middle-fingers countercultural as Lia is (to all appearances) conventional.
Safetythe Théatre Gaieté. For the last year's she's been pouring money into restoring this quaint 19th century building and funding a school of dramatic arts for refugees. It brings her peace to great to sit in the refurbished red velvet seats and watch "her kids" perform the classics.

Health: 7/9        Stability: 9/9

Investigative Abilities:
Accounting __/__Bullshit Detector 0/1Astronomy __/__
Archaeology  1/1Bureaucracy __/__Chemistry __/__
Architecture __/__Cop Talk __/__Cryptography __/__
Art History 1/1Flattery 3/3Data Recovery __/__
Criminology __/__Flirting 2/3Electronic Surveillance __/__
Diagnosis __/__High Society 3/3Forensic Pathology __/__
History 1/1Interrogation __/__Forgery 1/1
Human Terrain __/_Intimidation __/__Notice __/__
Languages 3/3Negotiation 2/2Outdoor Survival __/__
Law 1/1Reassurance 0/1Pharmacy __/__
Military Sci __/__Streetwise 1/1Photography __/__
Occult Study __/__Tradecraft 2/2Traffic Analysis __/__
Research __/__Urban Survival __/__Vampirology __/__

General Abilities:
Athletics 8/8Filch 5/8Piloting __/__
Conceal 5/5Gambling 8/8Preparedness 4/4
Cover 8/15Hand-to-Hand 0/8Sense Trouble 2/2 (MOS)
Digital Intrusion __/__Infiltration __/__Shooting 4/4
Disguise 8/8Mechanics __/__Shrink __/__
Driving __/__Medic __/__Surveillance __/__
Explosive Devices __/__Networking 13/15Weapons __/__

Athletics your Hit Threshold is up to 4+, and you have access to the Parkour, Combat Support Move, and Breakfall options (to be explained when they become relevant)
Disguise when you create a cover, you can choose to establish an existing relationship with an NPC who has previously interacted with that cover identity
Filch if you are not detected and not distracted, you may spend Filch points after rolling. You get +1 to the roll for every 2 points you spend this way, and you must describe how you almost failed but then didn't.
Gambling Luck of the Devil: at the beginning of each mission, roll a die and write down what you got.  Any time during that mission (but just once) you may swap any die roll, either your own or an opponents', with the one you wrote down at the beginning. Current roll: 2
Hand-to-Handyou may spend 1 point to assess your opponent's toughness (GM tells you if their HtH score is higher, lower, or within one point of yours), and you get access to the Extra Attacks, Martial Arts, and Mook Shield options in combat

Languages: Hebrew, English, Arab, Farsi, Dutch, Russian, Albanian, +2

Covers: Identity
Sophie van der Hout4Dutch art dealer (her usual identity in Amsterdam)
Yelena I. Sidorova3Russian Aeroflot stewardess
Contacts: Identity
Stefaan Geubel1Dutch "Godfather of Disco", knows everything about the Amsterdam nightlife

Vehicle training: 
Special weapons training: 
Noteworthy gear: