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07:47, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chloe Beauchamp


Expected Posting Times / Frequency: 6-8pm, daily (GMT+1) (required)

Name: Chloe Beauchamp
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Nationality: British
Place of Birth: Manchester, UK.
Blood type: O-
Role: Presenter
Sexual Orientation:Heterosexual


Chloe is a natural blonde with grey eyes, standing at around 5ft 5''. She was a bit on the chubby side during her teens, so she has spent a lot of money and effort to always look fit and pretty. She has a well-honed fashion sense and always loves to dress smartly, although she sometimes dresses down when she wants to just go for a walk or pop into Tesco's without the paparazzi following... although that doesn't usually happen any more.


The outer self
Absolutely charming when she needs to, which is professionally most of the time. Although she has used different personas, she always avoids looking or sounding chavvish, since she's still mentally trying to escape her childhood. She has a tendency to think all bad things that happen to her are her fault somehow, which sometimes makes her want to punish herself for those.

The inner self
Love and attention is all Chloe ever wanted; the first has mostly eluded her, the second she had and lost. Coming from a poor family, she worked her arse off when work was pouring in, and now that she has been unemployed for almost two years, her neurosis are getting worse. She has been resorting to compulsive exercise, sex and booze to drown it out, but when she lets the mask drops, she can be quite needy.

Desires and hopes
She'd love to direct her own movie and even star in it (she has ideas! She can write! She's more than a pretty face!). She already has a script she has been sending to all producers in town, to no avail.

Also, ideally she'd find a man she could rely on, but she's almost given up on that, relying on a long list of lovers as consolation prizes.

Fears and dislikes
Poverty, to lose her job, for her career to end; growing old, losing her looks, being alone forever. Also clowns, crying children, germs, heights and the open sea - but then everyone fears those, right?

Can really pull off almost any accent in Britain, from the poshest RP to the coarsest Liverpool scouse, a necessary skill when working in media and with people of all walks of life. She also has a very high pain threshold, which is useful when you have to spend hours on high heels, under glaring lights, day after day.

Over the years she's become rather cynical and sarcastic, which doesn't always endear her to friends and colleagues. She feels isolated.

The first thing Chloe remembers is how nobody paid attention to her at home, but everyone fell silent when the news was on. Growing up in a council estate flat in the depauperated outskirts of Manchester, the telly was the only sacred thing.

The TV presenter was therefore her first idol and role model, that perfectly permed lady whose every word deserved all the attention in the world. From a young age, Chloe knew she *had* to be on TV. It was that, more than money or anything else, that drove her. Every shift she did at the local pub or at a Boots checkout, she did for the TV dream.

After completing her degree in Journalism, she got her first job at Estuary TV, a local station in Lincolnshire. It wasn’t exactly the BBC, but it was a start and it made her feel like a total star. Two years and a fling with an ITV executive later, she made the big jump to ITV2 and moved to London. She married said executive later that year, and divorced him two years later, shortly after moving to the States to accept a juicy offer from Netflix.

It was a secondary role in a teen comedy about a quaint English town filled with dark secrets, which marked her break into acting. She married one of her co-stars and went on to do a bunch of other online shows. For the next three years she worked almost constantly, making a tidy sum and becoming fashionable by association with her new, hot American husband.

It all turned sour when he divorced her to remarry with a younger actress. In a fit of pique she moved back to the UK and bought a house in Chelsea. She thought she'd be swimming in work after her return to the UK, but turns out the media sided with her ex. With the divorce dragging on, no work coming in, and lawyer bills as well as mortgage payments eating her savings, for the last year she's become increasingly worried she was going to lose her house.

So when her agent finally called her to offer that Paranormal Channel gig, she had to accept it, even if it was just to stay afloat.


"The AA Team" (Paranormal Horror Channel, 2021-current)
Co-Presenting the show with Michael Schmidt
"Roses of England" campaign (Cynthia's Intimates, 2018)
Cover of the spring/summer lingerie and hosiery catalog
"Strumpets" (Netflix, 2018)
Playing Alice Bells, an 18th century prostitute in a period drama series (S1).
"Legally Binding" (Netflix, 2018)
Playing Sophie Lords, English paralegal in a lawyer series (S4).
"Sword of the Sorceress" (Netflix, 2017)
Playing Lady Aurelie in a Game of Thrones rip-off.
"Proper English Gardens" (Netflix, 2017)
Presenting "a wonderful tour of England's most delicious gardens!"
VitaSmagritta ads (2017)
Selling a range of dieting products.
"Muffin' or Bluffin'?" (Netflix, 2016-2017)
Presenting a baking competition (S1).
"Paint It Pink!" (Netflix, 2015-2016)
Presenting a bodypainting competition (S1).
"Dark Acorns" (Netflix, 2014-2015)
Playing student Artemis Delmar in a supernatural teen comedy (S1, S2, S3).
News Presenter, ITV 2 (London) (2012-2014)
Presenting the entertainment section of the news in Britain’s 2nd biggest channel.
Reporter, Estuary TV (2011-2012)
Covering human interest stories and local news for Lincolnshire.
BsC Hons in Journalism @ University of Manchester (2008-2011)
President of the debate club, member of the badmington team.


* Thomas Townsend, first ex husband, TV producer. Despite her denials, she still has some complicated feelings about Tom. It doesn’t help that she keeps bumping into him at work.

* Jasper McKellan, second ex husband, actor. The hearthrob of many a teen comedy. Currently in the middle of a nasty, protracted divorce that's almost bankrupting her.

* Megan Holloway, TV presenter and frenemy. They both started at the same time, and they have been stealing men and gigs from each other ever since (but according to Chloe, The Meg is the only bitch here, naturally).

* Roger Upton, her agent. Struggling to find her work these days.

* [Any other you can think of, just hit me up and let's talk! :) ]

Psychic ability (OPTIONAL)

None (so far), she believes “it’s bollocks.”

Dark and dirty secrets

A bunch of sex videos she did with/for her ex-husband, which she hopes never see the light of day; they could hurt her real bad, now that she's finally rebuilding her career.