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Welcome to Darke City

17:57, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Gabriella Skye

Name: Gabriella Skye

Nickname: Skye; God help you if you call her Gabby or anything similar


Gender: Female

Age: 33

Hair: Chocolate brown (sometimes died darker, closer to black), typically kept just shy of shoulder length in an even bob cut; short enough to not be too problematic when let down, but long enough to be tied off in a ponytail in a pinch, and long enough to be styled should the need arise.   Often braids one or both sides of her head close to the scalp to expose her ears.

Eyes: Dark brown

Distinguishing Marks: Two horizontal scars just above her belly on either side where her lowermost rib is located.  She also has a tattoo wrapping around her left thigh up to her hip of a snake:

General Appearance: At a respectable 5’7”, Skye doesn’t stand out much from the crowd thanks to her height.  Instead, what marks her as abnormal is her build; sturdy and broad-shouldered for a woman, her body seems to be comprised of corded muscle wrapped in generous feminine curves.  What she lacks in a slender waist to compliment her wide hips, she makes up for in a flat, defined abdomen, noticeable biceps, and thighs that can crush a watermelon with relative ease.  She does have enough in the way of cleavage to fill out a strapless dress, though the definition in her build does leave her chest less pronounced.

Though she has been known to wear such a dress for special occasions, Skye typically prefers more utilitarian clothing.  Slacks or other tight but not restrictive pants, tank tops under low-cut tops, and sturdy boots – all clothing items that make it easy to ‘gear up’, and which won’t get easily caught in buckles or straps.  Depending on the weather and a need to cover up said gear, she will wear leather jackets or longer, more accommodating trenchcoats.

Personality: Skye’s personality is in line with her usual problem solving method: apply force as necessary.  If unsuccessful, apply more force until successful.  She is blunt and straight to the point, the kind of person who says exactly what is on her mind in most situations.  It is very easy to determine where one stands with Skye, which can make dealing with her a little easier than some… and far more challenging than others.  She’s far more willing to call others out on their evasions or subversions, for example.

This isn’t to say she completely lacks finesse or subtlety, Skye has just found that beating around the bush takes time and often leads to misunderstandings in social situations.  That said, Skye is generally good-natured and wears a broad grin more often than not; she enjoys a good time at the bar, is known to be very competitive and aware of her build, and loves to flex it for the sake of a good time.  Her dedication to her work is matched by her dedication to enjoying life’s most enjoyable vices, so long as they do not directly impede her abilities in the long term.

When it comes to her job, she has a laser-like focus and the determination of a bloodhound.  When her work and social lives tend to overlap… the former takes priority, always.  Above all else, she comes off as absolutely dedicated to her God-given duty.

Sexual Preferences: Bisexual; there’s rarely time to be picky, and she’s found that both genders offer much to enjoy~

Employment: Templar Executor

About Your character: Skye’s early history is unimportant compared to her career within the Church and the Templars.  That she was born to normal, religious parents and lived a reasonable childhood up until her early teens matters little in the grand scheme of things.  As a child she excelled in sports and made friends easily, being bold enough to call out to others rather than shy and eager to toe the line like so many.  No, the truth of the story is that Skye’s life began at the age of thirteen, when her parents were killed in a botched home invasion attempt that lead to arson.  She had been asleep at the time, and only survived thanks to her father managing to drag her out of the house, but died of his wounds long before emergency services arrived.

After three unsuccessful foster families, Skye was put into the care of a Church orphanage, and later taken into the custody of the Templars once it became clear that she’d… lost something greater than just her family.  It was the Templars that trained her in combat and in killing, seeing in her a willingness to kill, seeing that she lacked the instinctive aversion to it that barred so many from taking that extra step to become something… great.  Something the world desperately needed, with demons and satanic cults running rampant across the globe.  At sixteen, Skye began her hunt alongside other Templars.  At eighteen, she was named Executor, upon completion of her first solo mission eradicating a cult of thralls in Northern Ireland.  Her career from that point on is spoken of almost in a mythical manner, spanning travel across the globe to eradicate all traces of demonic presence with extreme prejudice.

It is important to specifically mention what an Executor is, for they are not a normal part of the Templars nor the Church.  There are very few in active service, and as such there are few Templars who do not know the names of each active Executor, for they are known for their… extremely broad operational leniency.  Executors are not charged with the purpose of daemon exorcism, but rather have the task of demon killing and the destruction of other heretical beings and any who worship them.  It takes a certain amount of willpower to be part of it, and being able to achieve the title of "Executor" signifies that one is a first-rate murderer that has passed brutal and pious training to become mankind's weapon.

Executors are often given free rein to act as they see fit, and go where their instincts take them.  Often they are given tips by the Church or fellow Templars, but most commonly they track down their prey of their own volition.  In this case, the goings-on in Darke City have not gone unnoticed by Skye nor her superiors in the Templars.  What finally drew her to the City, however, was word that the Templar presence there has proven… ineffective at handling the Demonic Presence, not through incompetence necessarily but through the unprecedented power of the presence there.  This is the first time Skye has been advised caution in her work, a fact which has not gone unnoticed by her.

Weaponry:  Skye’s ‘primary’ or most reliable weapon is her Thompson Contender, break-action single-shot pistol with a modified 14-in barrel chambering .30-06 Springfield rifle rounds.  Bullets have been forced with the powdered bone of two of her lowermost ribs, which were removed and replaced with metal substitutes during the procedure.  As she has been blessed as one of the Lord’s true warriors, it is said that the presence of her Body in each bullet grants it Holy power, making them capable of wounding even the most powerful of demons, preventing their unnatural healing, and even killing them with a well-placed shot, as one would a human (according to scripture at least; Skye has not had the opportunity to test them on demons of a higher Order… nor has anyone else on record).  Skye calls these rounds ‘Blood Bullets’ (mainly due to it being a more easily-understood term than ‘bone bullets’), and has in her possession 132 total bullets; 66 were created from each of her ribs used.  Currently, she has used only a dozen, leaving her with 120 remaining.  She also carries a full armament of standard and specialized rounds.  Standard and Blood bullets are quite powerful, capable of punching through bulletproof vests or killing large animals with a shot.  Some examples of her special rounds include hollow-point, incendiary, and explosive rounds.

Alongside the Contender, she employs a variety of pistols, rifles, and shotguns according to the situation, backed up by at least two knives.  Day to day, she keeps at least one knife on her person as well as a small pistol, just in case.  The Contender, unfortunately, is too large to easily and comfortably conceal, and without the belt that holds its rounds, it can only carry one bullet (plus whatever bullets she might shove into her pocket).  Fortunately, her fists tend to be pretty good weapons as well, so she’s never truly unarmed.

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