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Welcome to Crucible World

11:19, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)


Race Name: Nisabos

Description: Nisabos stand, on average, at 4'7" (140cm) with the usual weight being 60lbs (27kg). The only visible sexual dimorphism that a creature of a different species might notice at first between the two genders is a black coloration on the underside of a Nisabos' jaw, in the case of males: both genders have breasts that they can use to feed their offspring. Both genders also have feminine features or, at most, androgynous menfolk. Their epidermis is usually the same color as their leaf-like 'hair' that tops their humanoid heads and the hues range from orange and brown to vibrant green. Nisabos' eyes are almost always green, with very few having golden irises or red; they also have smaller sets of eyes above their nose, between their eyebrows (which are also hairless): these eyes can see the ultraviolet spectrum, but only thirty or so feet in range, given their size. They reach maturity at 15 years of age, albeit only twenty years old are considered adult and allowed to make families.

Origin: Nisabos believe the Sun made them to make the world more beautiful. The world they inhabited was an idyllic, life-filled world that was almost completely at peace. Their only worry was to produce enough food for everyone most of the time. A few tribes split off from the first city they had built to find another place to live, before it got too crowded: as they traversed a jungle a magical mist settled around them and before they could turn around and return whence they came, they found themselves in a completely new and hostile world. The Crucible World.

Magic: Nisabos practice miracles, by subconsciously redirecting their souls' magic power to their priests, who call upon the power of their God, unwittingly using the faith the people have in them and their deity to change reality with magic. The most common spells are those that bless a certain group of plants in an area to make them grow with speed and produce much more food than usual. Other miracles involve healing the sick, removing curses and calming upset animals. One in ten Nisabo has the ability to call on such spells.

Culture: This plant-like people has a supernatural pull towards an agrarian life and it is indeed rare that one of them does not have a green thumb. They prefer mild and hot climates, naturally, and avoid the cold as much as they can. Nisabos that eat meat are, also, the exception rather than the rule and if some own animals it is most likely because they keep them as pets or beasts of burden rather than livestock. Using clothes is rare for them, except during fall and winter, when cold becomes a bigger issue. They abhor violence and are, usually, pretty cowardly when in an aggressive confrontation.

Excerpt of the Manual of Races: The plantfolk are very conformist and set in their pacifist ways, which they naturally lean into as they always exhude pheromones that trigger an enhanced production of serotonin, as well as other neurotransmitters that stimulate an enhanced metabolism and the proper circulation of blood through the body. If one were to make an experiment between a human and a Nisabos' physician, they would find that the latter's care and treatment makes the patient recover in half the time, because of the supernatural pheromones of the plantfolk. By default, the Nisabos are content and lazy, but because of their highly sociable nature, they stimulate each other so much that they do not give in to sloth and become productive and lively farmers, usually. It is said that a hermit Nisabo, is a dead Nisabo.

They worship the Sun as a deity, paying respects by building impressive temples and bringing the most beautiful statues, paintings and poems to display inside their house of worship. Priests of a temple do not have a hierarchy and instead frequently collect food and resources from the adherents of the faith to distribute to those who are not as well-off. The counterpart of the Sun-divinity the plants worship, is the Master of Winter, a title they use so they avoid using his name which must not be spoken, lest his attention is roused and his gaze put upon them. Death is believed to be the final journey to join the Sun in a utopia, with no fear, no hunger and no suffering. The huge majority of plantfolk follow the tradition of cremation, which they believe makes the journey to the Sun swifter than regular burial.

As they were not originally in a particularly hostile environment, Nisabos did not wage war or develop much in the ways of warfare, subconsciously relying on their own pheromones and airborn spores when confronted with a hostile beast. Nowadays, if that doesn't help and they feel threatened or fearful, Nisabos unwittingly release a small cloud (about fifteen feet around them) of toxic pheromones that scramble the neurological signals of living, organic creatures around them giving the Nisabos a chance to escape. The pheromones lead to uncontrollable twitches and spasms that impair a creature's movements, as well as blurry vision and dizzyness. If that was not enough, from their armpits and their knees, special glands release an incredibly foul-smelling sticky liquid that is very hard for any furry or regularly-skinned creature to wash off should they get any on their hands, feet, paws or muzzles...

Nisabos are, as established, social creatures that get along well with pretty much anyone who might be only a little bit friendly or even just indifferent towards them. They are also, usually, very empathic and at ease in understanding one another's and others' plights. It is hard to fool Nisabos, but if a small part of the plantfolk community suffers the rest suffers with them. In order to avoid suffering, Nisabos second most important focus after agriculture, is healthcare. Almost all know basics of first aid and at least one in fifteen has a more in-depth knowledge in the medical field, to give aid as needed.